Battle Strike

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Wiz, Masa and Yang got over to the gaming consoles, where Sophia and Lamar have setted everything up for the three to play.

"Alright, you challenge us in a first person shooter, what's your plan Masa?", Wiz asks while getting the controller and his headset.

"Team battle, you two against me", he told the two, "I want to see how you two play together."

"Okay, but a fair warning", Yang throws in, "You might reconsider this idea"


"You'll see", Yang replied and gave Wiz a smile, which Wiz replies to with a nod.

This small exchange gave Lamar and Sophia to worry a bit.

"I don't know about you, but there is definitely something up with one of the two.... And we don't know about who we have to worry about.", Lamar commented worried.

"I think it's exciting", Sophia adds, "This just feels like it could go anyway"

(BGM: "Battle Blaze Opening" - AJ DiSpirito)

The trio logs themselves into the game, and Masa opened up a private team battle lobby, with Wiz as BlueLightning and Yang as Pun_Dragon420 on one team, and himself on the other one.

The rest walks behind them, to watch the fight.

"This will definitely be interesting", Blake told the group.

"Definitely cheering for Wiz and Yang", Ringmaster jumped in.

(BGM: "Battle Blaze Theme" - AJ DiSpirito ft. Evan Kuriga and Ian Cimaglia)

"Alright, here's the plan Dragon", Wiz told yang over the team com and quickly explained the plan he though of, while the two started to look for weapons and ammunition.

"Nice one Wiz", she replied, but earned a quick correction from the Death Battle host.

"It's Lightning, Dragon.", he sights.

"Sorry, Lightning.", she replied sarcastically, "Anyways the plan sounds good. Can't wait to see Masa's face when it works", she grins.

"He'll definitely be surprised", Wiz grins, before approaching the first real battle againt the enemy team.

Meanwhile, Masa was already laying low, trying to ambush the duo.

"Where are they?", he sights, right before taking damage to enemy fire.

He quickly looks around. No one there. But who was shooting him just now?

Then, the first kill of the match.

Masa's screen showed the person who was it, and it was Wiz, who used a sniper rifle to take him out.

"Gotcha.", he grinned before moving towards a different position.

"You won't get away with that Wiz", Masa growled and after he respawned, he took quick chase onto Wiz's avatar.

He ran over to the spot were he saw him last in the kill cam, but there was nothing. Again.

"Where are you? Show yourself!", the black haired cyborg grew impatient.

Like the first time he took yet again damage, this time not a sniper.

He didn't had time to turn into the direction of the shots, he got killed again, this time by Yang.

2 kills in that short of a timespan? On one of the top players of Battle Blaze?

How insane are these two?

Sophia and Lamar couldn't belive what just happened, while the rest of the RT stars smiled with pride.

"Of course they are going to destroy him", Boomstick grinned.

"These tactics are literally like nothing any competitive Battle Blaze player would think of", Sophia told them in shock.

"That's Wizard for you, he always spots mistakes in tactics and uses them to his advantage as well as thinks of new strats on the spot, making him one hell of a dynamic player.", Ruby told the two, while Masa tried to outplay the two, but somehow gets himself outplayed by the other two most of the time.

The rest of MD-5 could just watch in shock on how the match plays out, with Yang and Wiz taking him down.

"You guys are insane", Masa, told the two.

"Yeah, Wiz's plans tend to be that way and they usually tend to work out in our favor", Yang told them with a smile.

"So, what is it Masa, we're in?", Wiz asks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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