Before I begin...

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Yo, it's your boy, Erwin. I have been out of the writing game for a while, but it's because I have been planning up a fantasy series that I hope will blow the socks off of everyone who reads it.

To begin this blowing, I wanted to know where I should focus my blowing towards. This is where you come in.

There are 3 stories that will begin my fantasy series, each one in their own world. All 3 connect in a certain way, but all 3 have a different everything. Tone, subgenre, themes, you name it. It's not that I have a problem writing these out, it's more of a time problem. I'm getting old, each one of these stories is planned to be a full-blown novel, and I don't want to dive into something that doesn't grant much interest.

So, I'm going to start with the first chapter. I will continue IF I get more comments or reads or something that tells me there's interest, compared to the other two. Your job is to read it, let me know what you think, and that's it. 

The one that I get the most "interest" feedback from, I'll continue writing it and finish it up. The others would be held on hiatus until that happens, and it will go from the one that had the next amount of feedback.

If one gets pretty much nothing as a reaction, or everyone is like "wow, this sucks!", then I might as well scrap it and carry on with the next in line.

The other stories can be found here:

The rest should be a given.  I own the rights to the story, any username that isn't mine that is posting it let me know and report it, and otherwise, enjoy yourself! 

Entbehrung: The Wandering City of ErawanWhere stories live. Discover now