Part 1: The Journey

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DISCLAIMER- if you have not read the prologue, you may be a bit confused on this story. "A prologue to a New Beginning" is the name, please read that first to be up to date.

Thank you and Enjoy the story

'What happened? Where am I? Why is everything so dark?'

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'What happened? Where am I? Why is everything so dark?'

"Remove your helmet soldier, and all will be revealed to you"

'Who said that?' I thought, it was a voice I've never heard before and I don't recognize it.

As I helped myself up and reached to remove my helmet, I felt completely different than when I arrived on Kaller. I didn't feel the same atmosphere at all. Was I still on Kaller or was I moved somewhere else.

I removed my helmet only to see something I've never seen before. It was if I'd been dropped into deep space with nothing but stars around me. No planets, no suns, no moons just stars and a light. For some reason I was able to stand but when I looked down, I wasn't standing on anything. But I could feel some type of ground underneath me.

"So you've finally awoken," the mysterious voice continues and with every word, the light flickers a bit.

"Who are you, where am I and what happened? The last thing I remember was Grey and Styles pointing their blasters at Depa and Caleb." as soon as I said that, I had a very worried feeling.

"Did I die?"

The mysterious voice chuckles a bit before answering.

"No young one, you are alive, just not awake"

Not awake? So I guess I did pass out before I could do anything. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. Who gave ORDER 66 and why were the other troopers determined to follow it and execute the Jedi.

"I can sense that you have tons of questions to ask. I am able to give you as much information as I can." The mysterious voice continues, "You passed out due to an emotional overload caused by the sudden vision you had of all the Jedi being betrayed by their clone troopers."

So I wasn't dreaming, the clone troopers all over the universe did turn on the Jedi and kill them. But why didn't I do the same? Why was I able to see what happened galaxies away from me?

"This is a very rare occurrence but the force resides in all living things and it just so happened to awaken in you at a very critical time. Not only for you but for the rest of the galaxy."

"Wait, what!? First off, are you able to read my mind? Second, you're saying that I'm able to use the force?" The expression on my face couldn't be hidden due to me taking off my helmet. I was scared, confused, excited but more than anything, I was still worried. What happened to Depa Billaba and Caleb Dume.

"To answer your questions, I am able to read your mind, so whatever thought you have is not hidden here. Yes, you are able to use the force and you have a special connection with it as well. As for your last question, I am unable to know what has happened to your Jedi allies, I can only see your past and present." the mysterious voice told me almost everything I wanted to hear.

Episode 1: A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now