Part 3: Captured!?

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Looks like I was expected, similar to when we arrived here on Kaller. Tàpusk knew I was coming, with our guns drawn on one another, it looks like we are at a standstill.

"So, Zero was it, how may I help you with your uninvited visit?" Tàpusk said with his blaster pointed at me.

"Well, Tàpusk right? I was looking to be compensated with a ship because of the attack your goons decided to launch on me."

While I said that, I was looking for a way to disarm him and get out of there. Maybe throw something at him or take his gun from him. It should be easy.

"I wouldn't try any funny business if I were you. I have a few turrets scattered throughout this room, pointed at you and ready to shoot on my command. Try any of your Jedi tricks and you'll really be a Zero"

At that point, I could sense that there was something more in this room than I could see. If I can't see it, there would be no way for me to dodge them all if they were to fire on me.

"Looks like you have my attention Tàpusk," I said while slowly putting my pistol away but never taking my eyes off him.

"Good good, glad that you're a lot smarter than you look," Tàpusk said while he put his blaster on the desk in front of him and turned the lights on.

"So what do you want with me?"

"Well, since you decided to take my henchmen out, in a very proper fashion I might add, I'm in need of a little help"

Tàpusk had one of his droid bring out a chair for me to sit on while we had our conversation. It looks like I don't have any other choice but to see what he needs help with. I could always agree now and escape later, but more than anything, I need a ship.

"The cruiser that you took from my henchmen was not only tracked but it also gave me a live feed on what happened between you guys. So are you some kind of Jedi or something? and Why are you wearing clone trooper armor? We thought all the Jedi betrayed the Republic which lead to the clone troopers wiping them out," Tàpusk asked.

Hearing someone say that the Jedi betrayed the republic definitely hit a nerve for me. I for one, know that the Jedi didn't betray anyone. They were betrayed by whoever was in the robe that Grey was talking to. I'm sure he had to be who issued out order 66. But I couldn't give Tàpusk the whole truth, just enough to get by.

"I'm not a Jedi and I found this armor while traveling the fields of Kaller. There was a camp that looked like it was attacked. A few dead clone troopers didn't need the armor anymore, so I took what I could. I'm from the other side of the planet but that was all just a big magic trick. I seen your guys coming from a mile away and setup an ambush for them." I said with the most convincing look on my face. The training that Depa gave me helped me to stay calm so my story was believable.

"Hmm, is that right? Where you're from isn't even important right now. Your skill set is what I'm after. I was gonna have my henchmen go and raid that clone trooper camp you passed through. I was hoping they found a light saber, those things are worth a ton of credits," Tàpusk said with a sinister grin on his face.

I almost forgot about Depa's light saber. I did bury it with her body but I took the kyber crystal out of it, per her request. This kyber crystal is what gives the light saber it's glow and strength. I definitely couldn't let Tàpusk have it.

"Did you happen to come across a light saber when you found that clone trooper camp, Zero?"

I did my best to keep my cool when I responded.

"Nope, there was a Jedi's body there but I think their clone troopers removed the light saber after killing her," I said in a bit of a hostile tone.

Episode 1: A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now