Part 2: ZERO

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Zero, the name I decided to inherit on my new journey to Rellak and beyond. My last conversation with Depa definitely helped ease my mind a bit with everything that's happened. Now that those worries are behind me, I have to focus on my future.

After burying Depa to the best of my ability, I left the old clone trooper camping area. After waking up and releasing all that energy, not only did I shatter my helmet but I broke my armor quite a bit also. I threw on one our tactical covers and put it on like a poncho to cover most of my armor from recognition. After the battle, the cover was damaged but it still served its purpose. I took some rations, water and whatever else I could use on my way to plateau city. I had to take a blaster pistol with me as well, no telling how I'm gonna get a ship to get to Rellak.

After days of walking, the way I thought was towards plateau city, I decided to rest a bit. I probably should've took the tech from one of the dead troopers but I'm sure they could've tracked it to find me if they were looking for me.

While resting, I decided to try and give this force stuff a try. Nothing wrong with some training. But of course I didn't want to over do it, just some simple stuff. I used the blaster as my first piece to train with. So, I set it down and walked away a bit.

I reached my hand out towards it to see if I could pull it towards me. I concentrated on it but was only able to make it shake a bit. But after some time, I was able to move it to me but not in my hands.

"Zero huh, what an interesting name" the voice said.

"I was wondering when we would talk again. I guess you sensed that I needed a bit of help or something" I said while still focusing on the blaster.

"Not exactly, I sensed you were getting a bit upset which also upset the force which resides in you. I'm here to help you however I can."

"I need help controlling this force power. I don't know how I was able to release that energy the other day or pull that blaster out of the troopers hand, but I did" I said in a very impatient tone.

"You need to realize that the force isn't just a part of you but it's all around you. Think of it as an extension of yourself. With a bit of practice, you'll be able to use it with ease. It'll be as easy as breathing"

The voice was the closest thing I had to a companion after waking up and now that it's teaching me, it's basically my teacher now. A bit different from Depa and Caleb's Master/padawan relationship but it's a start.

"Let's do this training in a better setting. Sit down in a meditative position and close your eyes."

I did what the voice said, I sat down, closed my eyes and took a deep breath. After I exhaled I could feel my body traveling somewhere, kinda like how it was during a hyperspace jump. But after a while, that feeling stopped and I opened my eyes. It looked like I was on Coruscant, the same place I went to during that vision with Depa Billaba.

"Fancy seeing you here, Zero"

I could recognize that voice anywhere as I turned around to see her.

"Depa? is that really you?" I said with a very surprised look on my face.

"Yes, it's me. Did I ever tell you how much better it is talking to you without your helmet on," she said a bit sarcastically.

We both laughed a bit.

"I thought I would be training with the voice to better understand my abilities"

"Technically you are but you aren't. The voice thought it would be better for you to train with someone you looked up to or recognized. It makes training a bit easier" she said as she pulled out her lightsaber and unsheathed it.

Episode 1: A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now