My weird dream...

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A/N - I had this dream on the 03/05/2019 and wrote it down on paper as it was a dream I had never experienced before and I wrote this as soon as I got to school and showed my friends in year 13. And I've decided to put this 'weird' dream on Wattpad. Everything I'm writing is as if I just spectated everything but I experienced it in the dream as if I was a spooky spectator and also as if I was the girl who I am describing. It switched in between at certain points in the dream.

And now, without delay let's begin.

Emily is an orphan and lives in a run-down orphanage. (not sure what year it is) She had chin-length hair, that was brown with natural blonde highlights. She had light blue eyes that seem to shine.

One day Emily went out of the orphanage with a bunch of little children and they bumped into Derek and his gang in one of the alleyways. Derek had shaggy dark brown hair and some strands of his hair went in front of his eyes, that were a chocolate brown colour. He had baggy clothes on and so did the rest of his gang.

I don't remember what was said between them but Emily started running away from them. (The children had run off while she was talking to Derek while his gang stayed behind him) She ran through different paths and different alleys trying to escape her pursuers. She continued running for what felt like forever. Her lungs were burning, her legs were shaking, but she knew that she couldn't let Derek and his gang catch up. As she was running she was nearing the orphanage, she only had to go down one more alley. However, as soon as she reached the end of the alley Derek and his friends popped out of nowhere. She had nowhere to run. Derek started to punch and kick at her, throwing her around as if she was a doll. She could hear the other girls from the orphanage calling out her name but Derek's friends stopped them from coming near and some joining him to beat her up and hold her so she couldn't fight back. At one point Derek punched her so hard that she fell to the ground.

However, before her head could hit the ground I woke up.

Additional information:
- it was like watching a rustic movie when I was spectating. The image of the situation was tinted with a hint of orange (like an old image or when you spill coffee on paper)
-smoke was coming out of chimneys
-streets sparse of people
-black bars at the entrance of the alleyway
-Emily was wearing jeans and a top, with worn-out shoes.

A/N - Anyway that was the dream I had. I know I'm quite a weird person to be dreaming this 😅, but just wait until I post another dream I had it's even weirder than this one, especially since I had the dream on Easter day.

Until next time, ja ne! 👋

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