Boring Day Until... - 5

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Leo P.O.V

I went to the campus earlier than yesterday, I don't know why but I thought I'd enjoy the campus Wi-Fi for some time while waiting till 8AM which is the start of 2nd day of orientation.

I still remain in my car, scrolling through my Instagram feed using the campus Wi-Fi. I liked Jace new post, it's him with Ashen kissing while cuddling and it had 21k likes.

*Attach photo*

Jax_ace with my baby 🤗😚 💞"

They're disgustingly cute and I hate it there, after few more scroll and more cute couple photos I decided I've tortured myself enough for today and went to check my Snapchat.

Nothing more, nothing changes, still the same old things.

I also got messages from my aunt which is not really an aunt of me since she's a gold digger that tried to be sympathy for me after my mother lawyer stated that I inherited and can get access to all my mother wealthiness after I turn 19 which is in 4 days.

I ignored my aunt messages and suddenly there's a red Camaro park besides my X5 and the person open the door to reveal that it's Kiaran. I immediately put my phone inside my pocket and pretend to just arrived and ready to get out of my car.

I open the door of my car and he look at me for a brief second with this mixed of emotion written all over his face but he quickly mask it up with his poker face. He look away and went to walk to the campus hall leaving me confused by it.

Is he disgusted and bothered that I look at him yesterday?

I shake my head and lock my car before making my way to the hallway, I also search for Aldo since he's basically the only friend that I've had so far here. I found Aldo leaning on the wall his eyes glued on his phone.

"Hey Aldo!", I greeted him once I'm close enough to him. He looks up and grin softly at me and wave.

"Oh hey Leo!", He greeted back and I ask him what is he up to, he shrug his shoulders at me and show me a basketball tournament playback. My mouth forms a shape "o" and I nodded.

"Do you play basketball?", I asked him.

He nodded and smiles. "Of course I am!", He said rather proudly. I grin back cause now not only he's my friend, he also shares my favorite sports.

"Good, hey wanna play some basketball maybe after orientation finish today?", I ask him as his eyes widened with excitement.

"Sure. Are they gonna allow us play basketball though?", He asked me and I shrug my shoulder.

"Probably Nah, not in here.. but there's a basketball field near my apartment, we should check it out!", I said as he nodded, we then proceed to continue talking about some random stuff until someone told us to gather up in the theater room for "motivation and spirit" campaign and speech. It's gonna be a long and boring day.


"Man that was sure one of a long hell speech!", Aldo said to me as we leave the theater room and went to the football field for another torture of the day.

"Yeah..", i agree with him.

I saw Kiaran looking at me and Aldo, his expression is clearly showing off some anger. Or is it just me? Maybe it's just me..

"Do you see the mentor that keeps looking at us?", I heard Aldo whisper into my ear and I can't help but nodded, so Aldo saw it too. Should I be concern? Or should i be glad that Kiaran acknowledge me?

I saw him coming towards us and I immediately stop in track as Aldo do the same as me.

"Uhm hey, sorry I didn't mean to be rude but I overheard your conversation earlier..", he paused and cleared his throat. ".. you guys can play basketball game today after the orientation finish, my team is also practicing there so don't worry you guys are welcomed there..", Kiaran said while rubbing his neck and let me tell it's so fvcking attractive.

I got lost in his attractiveness until Aldo shove me softly and I blush before nodded and telling him that we'll be there after orientation.

"Great, can't to see you guys there!", He said rather excitedly as he bites his lips and I swear he winked at me before going back to chat with his friends.

"Dude.. what's that?!", Aldo asked and I shake my head at him.

"I have no idea but at least we could play some basketball today after we finish the orientation..", he nodded and we went to the field and it's already crowded with students.

"So what do you think the seniors want us to do today?", I thought for a second.

"Hmm it's either they gonna play some games with us and tease us or another long speeches..", i sighed.

One of my theories is right, we played duck duck goose for some reason and the person that isn't fast enough to have their spots back have to pick between 'Truth or Dare' uhm.

"Duck, duck, duck, duck,.. goose!", The junior mentor said and they immediately running circling us trying to see who's faster and of course the junior won the spot.

"So truth or dare?", The male mentor said to this girl that lost against him.

"..fine truth?", The girl said and the junior smirks.

"Do you think Jerry over there attractive?", The mentor said pointing to Jerry as he winks at the girl cheekily.

"Honestly? Not so much..", with that everyone gasped and the mentor laugh his ass off.

"Burn baby! See that Jerry?", He still laughing at Jerry like his other friends as Jerry huffed.

"Fvck off Jordan! Everyone knows I'm attractive!", He crossed his arms on his chest.

"Well not everyone now..", everyone still laughing at Jerry. We then continue to play the game until it's my turn to run circling the crowds and I lost.

"Haha sorry, now truth or dare?", He asked to me.

"..Dare..", I said, I kind of bored so why not try something different.

"Oh we got a brave one here, i like it!", He paused deciding what I should do. "Oh I know.. ask the number of a person that you think attractive right now.. it also could be a mentor here..", he smirks at me teasingly and I facepalm, uhm why did i want dare again?

"Oh uhm...", I look around not knowing what to do, I met with Kiaran eyes and he's hopeful for some reason.


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