chapter two

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"Hey Chiaki! How are you doing?"
"Oh hi Mahiru, I thought you were gonna come later... I'm fine thank you"

Mahiru was in front od Chiaki's house with her backpack and a plastic bag.
She arrived an hour before the sleepover, even if Chiaki asked her to come 30 minutes in advance.

"I wanted to be sure that everything was in place at the right time" said smiling
"Aw thanks! Anyway, who told you taht they're coming?"

Mahiru entered the house, and taking her shoes and jacket off, and they both went to Chiaki's room to eat up everything

"Mhh, Ok, first I asked Hiyoko and she said yes, I saw then Nakomaru and Akane-we were close to the gim hah- an dthey both agreed. After I went to class and asked Sonia, Mikan, Ibuki, Tanaka, Kazukichi and Mitarai. Sonia is coming, so both Tanaka and Souda agreed haha. Mikan wasn't sure and Mitarai didn't want to listen. But we all convinced them, and Ibuki did too. Komaed walked in, so I asked him too, and he said that you already asked him, and he was coming"

Mahiru opened the bag. Inside there were a lot of snacks and junk foods.
She asked were she could put them, and Chiaki pointed to a small table next to her wall

"Mh Mhh yeas. I saw him when I was walking at school and I took the opportunity"
"Then I went to the cafeteria and saw Teruteru, and Akane too. To be honest, I didn't want to ask him to come, but at the end I did it..."
"I belive he said yes, right?"

Mahiru looked down, but she still had her head up. She was finishing putting the table coat and plastic glasses kn the little table

"Uh uh. Is it bad that, deep down, I wanted to hear him say no? I just don't want that the other girls feel in danger"
"We are all classmates and friends. I understand that he might be creepy sometimes, but we can't exclude him."

Chiaki finished picking up all the stuff on her room floor, and put them all in their places

"I know, you're right... Anyway. I forgot my backpack in class, so I went take it, and I saw Peko in front of the girls bathroom. She said that she couldn't come because she had to train. But she is more stubborn that she looks. I tried convincing her, but nothing. We were talking, and then Fuyuiko exit the boys bathroom. You can guess that he said no to-"
"No they are coming! Peko told me while we were going home"

Mahiru stopped dropping the cips and looked at her

"What really? She was really strong on not coming and training"

Chiaki looked at her, leaning on her wall

"Oh yeah, she mentioned that she had to train but wouldn't. And by the way, she said that Fuyuhiko is coming too."
"Really?! I'm wondering what convinced him coming"
"I don't think we will ever know"

Mahiru finished putting all the food and drinks on the table, and she turned to Chikai

"Well, it doesn't matter. Anyway, they should start arriving now?"
"Yeah. Teruteru told me that he was gonna arrive a little sooner so that he could prepare more dishes, but I told hi that we already have food.
I don't know if he is actually  coming before"
"Mhh, I dont know"

Mahiru moved next to her and  started picking up some of the stuff left on Chiaki's room floor and help her cleaning up.  A lot where just empty food containers, but even some books and school materials, that she probably forgot about. Chiaki was making her bed and putting her plushies in their places. Her room had a lot of pastel and neutral colors, but with still a really good locking game set up. Her games were all displayed in a shelf next to her monitor, with the walls full of posters and pictures of her friends and family. Her closet was next to her bed, and on the door there was a mirror, big enough to show half body and head. It was white, and the mirror had some pictures at the borders. At the center there was a big carpet and the table they set up. In a corner there were some pillows and blankets for their friends

"Woa Chiaki, you have a lot of stuff in your room"
"I know, It's hard to keep it clean tho haha"
"Yeah i noticed haha"

At that moment the doorbell rang. Chikai offered to go to open it, and she was greeted by a group of girls.

"Oh Hi Chiaki! We are here for your slumber party! I am so glad to be invited here" Sonia said with a big smile.       
"Too bad that little whore had to come too, it would have been great if she just stayed home"!
Hiyoko was right behind her, next to Mikan, who was crying now          
"I-i'm n-not a wh-whore! An-and Chiaki wa-wantd me t-to come too!" Mikan said, trying to stand up for herself.
Before Hiyoko could reply, someone cut her off
"Ibuki's really wanted all our friends here! I'm so happy!"

Chiaki was a but surprised by all the noise, but she invited them all inside

State: 9/may
Finished: 30/June
Published: 30/june

Sorry if this is rushed but I really wanted to publish this for Peko bday.
She is my main kin n I love her so mu chxhzhjs

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