chapter six

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It took way too much for this. They better be bang or sum
(Ok jk I can't write smut but if I could I would. And yeah I wrote this like 4 months ago and just now started writing again, so this is short add)

Fuyuhiko opened the door and hold it for Peko. She instead hold it with her arm over his head to let him inside first.
Which made him take a step back, still holding the door.
WHICH made HER take a step back, holding the door.
"Just get inside i can hold a fuckin' door"
And she went inside, apologising
"You don't need to say sorry, is fine chile"

The closet/storage was small. On the floor there where some heavy boxes, and on the walls shelfs with food, cleaning products and other stuff.
He took a box of cardboard full of cleaning products. And by taking it, it means Peko took it for him.
"Chill, you don't need to help mw with everything ya'know?"
"I apologize"

(i cant expalin, but like the box of ACE for the washing machines. They r actually comfy bc the cardboard is solid and the stuff inside is hard so u dont break anything. Im 99,99% sure they dont have ace in Japan but i hope yall got it)

There was a moment of silent, where Peko was looking in front of her, at the door, and he was looking at her, opening his mouth, trying to say something but nothing came out.
He wanted to apologize, but didn't know how to put it into words, so he just slid his hand near hers.

Did she noticed?
It didn't look like she did.
She was still, cold, and not looking at him
His hand got closer
She did flinch this time
Shit, is she gonna think I'm weird? She is going to hate me
He felt something touching him
Her hand
Surprised, he removed the eyes from their hands to look at her.
She didn't move.
He took it as a sign to get closer and take the hand
She hold it

Am I dreaming?
I must be
This isn't happening, I'm going to wake up soon. It was a nice dream tho.
This is a dream?

Trying doesn't hurt, right?
He just wanted to check if what was happening was happening

He leaned closer, and neither this time she moved
Why is it so hard to get her?
He got even closer, his face almost touching her shoulder
I could try it....
He was still in his own thoughts, Thunking if it would be considered ok if he rested his head on her shoulders, and while this happened, a mess was going on in her head.

Am I allowed to do this?
Is he allowed to do this?
This needs to be a joke of some sort
Do you want this to be a Joke?
Obviously not, but it would be better for the both of us

She felt a weight on her Body
She wanted to look at it, bit she knew that if she did it would make everything awkward, so she just....
Rested her jeans on top of his

Class Sleepover (Mostly Kuzupeko/Fuyupeko)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora