Chapter 2

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All characters are owned by Rick Riordan.

(A/N) I have nothing to say except enjoy the story!


I ran to dinner. I didn't want anyone to worry about me not being there. But that didn't work. When I got there, most of the campers were already starting to scatter. They talked in hushed tones, if at all.

"Guys? Guys, I'm here. What's everyone looking for?" I said, putting on my fake smile.

Piper turned around, looking relieved, then rolled her eyes. "You, idiot."

Even though she said it in a joking way, that one word hurt me so much.


It was what they always called him. All the foster parents. All the foster siblings. For a split second, my smile faltered. I could tell Annabeth and Piper noticed, though they didn't say anything, which I was extremely thankful for. Everyone sat down.

I walked over to the Hephaestus table. Nyssa looked mad, and she gestured for me to sit down next to her. When I sat down she whisper-yelled, "Where were you, Leo? We were worried sick!"

Being the awesome supersized mcshizzle man I am, I responded with, "Worried about these muscles?" I wiggled my eyebrows and flexed my arm.

Nyssa laughed. "Well, looks like it's still Leo and not some imposter."

~Time Skip Brought To You By Kronos: 2 Months Later~

The "seven" had become so distant from me. I honestly had no idea why. But that just made me cut myself even more.

My wrists and forearms were covered with scars. Some long, some short. Even my thighs had started to become scarred from me having no room on my arms. No one questioned me if I had a bandage on. Nyssa once noticed, but I told her it was to look intimidating, then winked at her. She bought the lie.

I was pulled out of my train of thought when I heard a knock.

"Come in!"

When I heard the door open, I put down my tools, wiped my hands on a towel, and turned around. Standing there was Jason.

"Hey man, wassup?" I asked.

He just smiled at me and asked if I could fix something. I told him that I would drop it off at his cabin tomorrow. He nodded, thanked me, and left.

That was all I ever got from any of them. A small visit to fix something small. All except Piper. Piper would have conversations with me, invite me to events, and ask me how I felt. Of course, I never told her the truth.

~Time Skip Brought To You By Kronos~

The next day, I went to Cabin 1 to drop off the small gadget Jason had wanted me to fix. I was about to knock when I heard them talking to me.

"He's so annoying. He never shuts up! I mean, I know he tries to lighten the mood, but it does nothing. In fact, it actually makes it worse!"

I immediately recognized the voice. It was Frank's.

"He's a freak. I mean, no wonder why Calypso cheated on him!" That was Annabeth.

Wait- Calypso cheated on me? I thought. I kept listening.

"He should honestly just kill himself. He's so ugly! Like father like son, I guess." The voice belonged to Hazel.

Now, I always knew I wasn't the most good-looking guy, but I did know  that a lot of girls did think I was cute. Some even thought I was hot. Of course, I was literally hot, but they thought I looked good.

"Guys, stop talking about him like that. He doesn't deserve to be treated like this! In my opinion, he's cute. I wouldn't date him, but he's cute. Also, I love his jokes." I immediately thanked Piper for saying that.

"Come on, Pipes. He's just so useless. Everytime he fixes something, it breaks apart again. He doesn't even care about our feelings! Never, not once has me asked me how I felt." I was surprised to hear that come from Jason. My best friend.

I was done. I opened the door.

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