Chapter 1

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     Gemma was in jail. The villagers who had knocked her out had apparently subdued Kya, too. They both had been chained, dragged here, and dumped in this miserable prison to rot. Except that prison, apparently, wasn't a bad enough punishment for the "partners in crime." The people who hadn't been wounded - or, healthy enough to hate Kya - had insisted more drastic measures be made. Riots had been started, threats had been made.

     Gemma Everleigh Silver, the girl who attacked her village, was going to die in three days.

     It had been scheduled then because a noble family had decided to come. To watch. How twisted was that? Her heart hurt when she thought of Kya, who had been chained up heaven knows where, and was probably suffering much worse than Gemma. The girl sighed, leaning her head back against the clammy stone wall. I'm too young to die, she thought mournfully for the twentieth time.

     She stared at the wall until the surface blurred beneath her vision. Knowing how long it would be until her execution didn't matter, what did was how long it felt like. The two weeks of being cooped up already was feeling like a century. Even the seconds passing seemed to taunt her, however much she told them not helping.

     Closing her eyes, she attempted sleep. She shouldn't have tried. Every time she closed her eyes the images returned to her. People running, screaming, yelling for help. The details blurred every time she remembered, the worst parts were exaggerated, and her heart beat faster. She slowly peeled her eyes open, wincing as her mind recalled the earsplitting shriek of her brother. Gemma wondered if any of her family members were okay. There wasn't much else to stress about, and she couldn't remember the last time she'd had even a second of sleep.

    Gemma found herself wondering how long she had been without brushing her hair. Was her hair too far gone, or could she try to finger-brush it? What she would give for a good bath! Gemma found herself barking out a laugh when she caught herself. She was about to die, and she was concerned about good hair and a nice smell?

     Her thoughts were interrupted by a whoosh of purple skirts. A whoosh of purple appeared, hurrying past Gemma and down the hallway. A guard scurried after her with his head low. Gemma wondered where they were going. She sighed and returned to staring at the wall.

     The clacking sound of footsteps stopped abruptly, and Gemma heard the muttering of low voices. Footsteps started up again, slower this time. Gemma saw the guard out of the corner of her eye, leading the woman back towards Gemma. They stopped in front of the bars of her cell, the cage that she couldn't escape from. The woman waited, looking down her nose at Gemma from the sea of skirts. Gemma was being studied and she didn't like it. She warily looked up at the lady, making sure to roll her eyes in the process.

     Who dresses up to visit a prison? Gemma asked herself. The figure standing a few feet away had on a long, flowing purple skirt which had her tall black boots peeking out from the edge. Her dark hair was pulled tightly into a stiff bun, and she had a black blouse. She radiated authority and indifference - two words that should never be used in the same sentence.

     Why am I surprised? I'm just another someone to gawk at. She had been yelled at before while in prison, a few people from her village who had loved ones been hurt had visited. A couple had cursed at her, one had screamed until the guards led him away, and a few a cried. Gemma hated when that happened. She had no idea what to say and it wouldn't help anyway. She examined the woman's fancy clothes again, all too aware of her own simple clothes: a gray tunic and baggy black pants.

     "So this is the summoner. I imagined her... bigger. Older," the stranger spoke with a hint of annoyance, like she didn't really want to be here but had to. 

     "Ah, well yes. I imagine it would be surprising indeed," the guard piped up. His voice was more nasal than intimating.

     "How old even is she? Ten?" Purple Woman guessed.

     Gemma wasn't listening. She was squinting at Purple Woman, trying to to see if she was Amayan or Zhongese. It was hard to tell in the half light, but... definitely Zhongese.

     When Gemma didn't correct Purple Woman, the guard scrambled to explain. "Gemma here is fourteen. But yes, I do see how she would look younger. Ten. She looks very much ten." The guard - Gemma decided to call him Suck Up - was obviously agreeing with everything that Purple Woman said. Maybe she was of a high rank, and pleasing her would help the guard's family's reputation.

     Like Kya was supposed to help mine, Gemma thought bitterly. Her fists clenched. There was an awkward moment of silence. Purple Woman tutted. Suck Up shifted nervously. Finally someone spoke.

     "I do not approve of the execution."

     Gemma's first thought was, Hey, that makes two of us. Her next was What?! She had still barely been paying attention, and it was because of this that she was clueless as to who had spoken. Looking up at the two people standing on the right side of the bars, she saw Suck Up's face full of questions as well. Turning her head let her see Purple Woman, who looked calm and indifferent. So, that basically meant it was her. Finally, Suck Up echoed Gemma's thoughts.


     Gemma approved of this and mentally changed his name to Sometimes Suck Up but Not One-Hundred Percent of the Time. Suck Up was still easier though, so she would keep thinking of him in that way.

     "Would you like me to repeat it?" Purple Woman spat irritably. Suck Up shook his head a few more times than was necessary.

     "Wh... What do you suggest happen to her? We can't just let her go, can we?" Suck Up stammered. When Purple Woman assured him she hadn't meant that, Gemma deflated a little.

     "You have another prisoner held here you're getting rid of soon, aren't you?" Purple Woman asked. Suck Up thought for a minute.

     "No, we don't really... Oh, you mean Kyran!" Suck Up looked like he finally understood.

     "Send the ten-year-old with her." Purple Woman suggested - no, it was more of a command. Gemma winced. She wondered what status this woman was in, and how she got to order around prisoners. Maybe it was more of a reputation thing than an unquestionable agreement. Gemma wondered who the other prisoner was, and what the punishment was. Purple Woman glared at Gemma through the bars.

     "This isn't a pardon for your crimes, mind you. You and your creature won't be treated nicely, I can promise you that." She put her face close to the bars. Gemma eyed her warily, leaning away.

     "Well, it's probably better than an execution, am I right?" Gemma questioned. She didn't like Purple Woman. The probably-high-ranked Zhongese gave her the chills. Purple Woman made eye contact, and Gemma felt frozen in place.

"Well, some do consider it..." She paused for emphasis as Suck Up fidgeted in the background.

"Worse than death itself."

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