Chapter 3

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Sometimes, Gemma wished for more friends. Then maybe there would be more people to back her up when she insisted that she did not agree with this. She had been relieved to hear that she wasn't definitely going to die soon. It was just a possibility. Purple Woman evidently had enough power to make an influence on the authorities' decisions, but Gemma wasn't sure why. And since when was Gemma important enough to be saved? Nothing made sense. Purple Woman very clearly didn't like her that much. Actually, she very clearly didn't like anyone that much. Her face seemed permanently stuck in the same expression that Gemma had noticed the first time she saw her. The hint of annoyance, a load of disapproval, and something that said 'People obey me. Not you, me."

Gemma rattled the chains that were attached to her wrists, earning a glare from the guard that walked in front of her. More guards flanked her and Purple Woman walked behind. They weren't out in the open yet, but they soon would be. Purple Woman had positioned herself in a way that said, See her? This is my prize. Yes, yes, admire her. Admire me. Gemma hated it. She tried to struggle but it didn't help. In fact, it only caused a guard to poke her with his spear. Glaring at the world, Gemma felt the weight of the chains around her wrists, the shackles on her ankles, and the chains around her midsection that caused her to bend over from the weight. The chains that allowed her to be controlled.

This was not how she had imagined the rest of her life. Far from in, in fact. She had planned on maybe calling a spirit animal, then her family celebrating. They would treat her like an equal for once and everyone would live happily ever after.

Now Gemma had no say in the matter of her life. She wasn't even sure where she was going. The execution ring? It seemed like they might be travelling in that direction, Gemma wasn't sure. Maybe the docks... but why there? She shook her head to clear it as best she could and stared ahead. She only knew one thing for sure.

Her life would never, ever be the same again.


A ways away from Gemma, there was a cage being wheeled forward. A pair of oxen pulled it, straining to carry the weight. The cage itself was large and dense, heavily weighing on the harnesses of the oxen. The girl inside, however, was small due to years of being underfed and abused. She had known prison since she was seven years old, and the experience had scarred her.

Soon, the oxen stumbled to a halt. The girl inside looked hesitantly out, seeing the back of a building and a few soldiers. She had no idea where she was going, only that she hadn't been there before. She hastily withdrew into the shadows as a few guards came over to her.

Scrambling back against the bars of her cage, she hit her head against the cold iron. A guard laughed and jabbed her with his spear. Scowling at him, she scooted farther back, pressing herself to the other side of the cage. She didn't have an explanation as to why these guards enjoyed torturing her, every day was the same - brutal, hard, painful.

As she winced, the guard smirked and his friends heartily slapped him on the back. They let out a rumble of laughter before being called away for another assignment. Waiting for what seemed like hours for them to finally disappear, Kyran slid down to the floor of her cage. She didn't put a hand up to see if she was bleeding from the strike against the bars. She didn't let herself relax. But she did glare blankly at everyone around her cage. Some part of her wondered if it was worth it anymore. What point even was there? Live another day, live a tortured life.

She shook her head. There had to be something more to live for. She felt exhausted. Reaching up to touch her collarbone, she traced the tattoo of a snake that was shown there. More specifically, a two-headed venomous pit viper. With a start, she realized that something was off. She stood up shakily, and put a hand on the bars in front of her to peer through once more. A tall, Zhongese woman was walking toward her. The girl watched the woman with a cold glare, wondering what this person would do to her that hadn't been done already.

The Zhongese woman stopped in front of the bars, studying the girl inside, who let out an almost animal-like growl.

"Hello, I don't believe we've met," the woman spoke sharply, hardly moving her mouth, like the girl didn't deserve to even hear the full extent of her voice. The figure inside the cage didn't move a muscle. The woman drew closer. "I don't suppose you would like to tell me your name, hmm? It would be very... useful in the future," When the girl still said nothing, the woman frowned. In an instant, the woman's hand shot out and gripped the girl's wrist, who still had her hand on the bars. The girl cried out as the woman's nails dug into her arm, trying to squirm away from her strong grip. The woman leaned closer and hissed at the girl.

"Do you know where you're going today?" The girl shook her head, wincing as the woman's hold on her wrist tightened. "You might know of it, does the name Nightshade Island ring a bell?" The girl gasped and the woman smiled. The light caught her eyes, showing the wild look in them. This woman is crazy, the girl thought to herself, watching as she leaned closer still.

"Something is on that island. Something that I need. You're going to help me find it." Her breath seemed to hitch after every word, making her sound deranged and out of breath. A mad person is a dangerous person, the girl silently told herself.

"Kyran Rynthene, welcome to your new life."

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