season 7 part 2: inside los noches

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Our story this time shall start in y/n's inner world let us see what his zanpakuto spirits and his hollow spirit are doing it seems Claudius is sitting on y/n's throne

Caliber is in  the middle of the theater swing in her sword and Amaya is in the bath all three waiting for y/n to call upon their power once more they are in waiting for their master their performer and their king to call for their aid and they sh...

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Caliber is in  the middle of the theater swing in her sword and Amaya is in the bath all three waiting for y/n to call upon their power once more they are in waiting for their master their performer and their king to call for their aid and they shall happily give it to him to avoid a old nightmare that not a single one of them wishes to experience or re experience

Caliber is in  the middle of the theater swing in her sword and Amaya is in the bath all three waiting for y/n to call upon their power once more they are in waiting for their master their performer and their king to call for their aid and they sh...

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Claudius:when shall you call for our power we are waiting performer you do not fight alone soo do not fear battle with this 56 or his original self I know we will win

Caliber:I am ready to assist in any way master

Amaya is in the bath and looks up extending her hand into the air

Amaya:my king all you need do is call upon me to fight and I shall

All:we will wait until then

Scene change brought to you by

Nel is glaring at rukia who is rest in on y/n's shoulder

Nel:just what is your relationship with nice guy

Rukia:huh did you say something

Nel let's out a low growl

Renji:you pretty popular with the ladies

Y/n:Oh shut up

Renji:well id say the two brothers got it down to a science

Renji looks over at Ichigo and Senna who punched Ichigo down and has his head rest in in her lap  renji sweat drop at this

Peshia:girls are scary

Dondachaka:and very territorial

Timeskip brought 

The group have made it to the wall of Los noches Ichigo renji and y/n blast a hole In the wall

Renji:is there anything giant explosions can't fix

Y/n and Ichigo:it can't bring our mom back

Renji:...way to kill the mood

The group come to a seven way split hallway they decided to split up much to y/n Ichigo Senna and rukia not likeing the idea of splitting the team but they do so reluctantly after the split y/n is running down the hallway humming a tune



Y/n turns around to see Nel running towards him


Nel shoots at y/n like a rocket but y/n gets in a stance and catches her

Y/n:you need to be more careful what If I didn't  catch you you could have been hurt

Nel:Nel wanted you to wait for her

Y/n:you shouldn't be here I'm going to be fighting a lot you could get hurt

Nel:nel is a traitor for bringing you here they would have cane for Nel soon anyway so Nel wants to stay with nice guy

Nel starts to cry a but but y/n simply lifts her up and puts her on his shoulder giving her a shoulder ride

Y/n:well if your a traitor then I'll have to protect you Nel

Nel:thank you nice guy Nel is scared istgo wouldn't let Nel stay if Nel ran into him

Y/n:don't worry about Ichigo he inky seems scary

The two take off runnig  y/n humming a different tune then before

Arrancar:well well we got our self's a enemy with a lot of energy in my area lucky me hehehheheheheheh

I'll leave it here for now let me know what you think in the comments

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