The confession

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Blyke was carrying Isen by arm while they walked to Isen's dorm. Blyke would have took

him to his dorm but John would probably give him shit for staying there. As they get to Isen's door Blyke reaches over to Isen's pockets to get

his keys and unlocks the door. " Alright Isen I'm going to put you on the couch and get you a glass of water." When Blyke puts Isen down, he

gets him a glass of water. As gives him glass of water, Isen drinks it all in one gulp. Blyke puts

the glass in the sink and walks up to Isen "Heyyy B-Blyke ( hiccup) s-sit next to me." Blyke did as he was told and sat next to him.

" Ya know (hiccup) I love yooou!!" Isen said with a smile. Blyke starts  thinking that his

saying as "I really love you as a best friend type of love." Blyke try's to hold his laughter and try's to remain serious " I love you too." Blyke

says as he grins at Isen. Isen pouts knowing that Blyke isn't getting the hint. " Yoouu don't (hiccup) understand! That's not what I mean!"

"Then what do you mean?" Blyke said with a curious look on his face. Isen huffed then

pulled Blyke by the shirt and kiss him passionately. Blyke is in shook Isen is kissing him and processing what the heck is happening

right now. Isen let's go of Blyke's shirt and passes out. "WHAT-WHAT THE HELL JUST

HAPPENED!?!" He freaked out in his head.
Blyke face turns redder than his hair. "I never

knew Isen felt that way before!?!" Blyke thoughts came running through his head. He felt that his heart was beating so fast. " oh god

what's going to happen tomorrow? Will Isen remember all of this?" Blyke groaned he was so confused. Blyke would be lying if he said never

felt the same way as him but always thought he just liked girls and then it hit him. " Didn't Isen said he liked John. W-WAIT ISEN LIKES ME

AND JOHN!!" Blyke felt a little jealous that his best friend liked his roommate. (When in

reality he really didn't.) Blyke slept next to Isen on the floor. "I'll try to deal with this tomorrow." Blyke said in his head as he drifted off to sleep.

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