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Back in middle school I used to cuss a lot, I
Mean I still do, but anyways if you met me in

real life I would be the quiet kid that looks bit of a nerdy emo kid with a hoodie on. But when I talked to my old friends I was sarcastic, how

likes to talk about funny stories, and talk about rock bands even though my friends didn't understand what I was talking about. When I was in class I was talking to my friends and I

said "Holy sh- Jesus!!" because my teacher walked right fort of us. My friend dying. I was talking with my friend in class and I remember cussing and this time my English teacher heard

it but didn't say anything. I surprised to be honest. Maybe it was because I was a good student and she just let it slide, who knows?

This one friend I have ( just to let you know I had a three or four friends in middle school some of them I wasn't that close with them

because they hang out with other friends but that was alright. Now I have one friend from the third grade, one friend from the four grade and one from eighth grade.) anyways my friend was going to scare me from behind and I

grabbed his sleeve, pull him, twisted his arm and was about to punch him. He screamed in pain and I let go of his arm and told him not to scare me. That it, sorry to bore you with my life

I just got bored to death . I would probably delete this or not. My birthday coming soon in

September fourth but I'm not going to celebrate it and just watch horror movies and probably write.

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