Control you're anger part 2

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While Isen was recovering from his inures Blyke walks out of the school where he sees a guy in a black mask ( cough, cough it's John ). "It you." Blyke was filled with raged. Some of

the students noticed that Blyke came face to face with the guy in the mask. " Hey  look, Blyke's going to fight the masked student." A student said with a surprised tone. " You want to challenge me? Fine, I'll take you. I've got a

bone to pick with you after all. You
hurt Isen and hurt the other students." Blyke  spoke. " So apparently this guy copies people's abilities, so I'm going to have to fight him with hand to hand combat" while Blyke was

thinking in his thoughts the guy tried to throw a punch but Blyke dodges it. Blyke try to do the same but the guy blocks it. Blyke was surprised that the guy can fight even without using his abilities. Meanwhile the crowd of students are

questioning why Blyke is not using his abilities to blast him. Not knowing that he copy people's abilities while being used. They still go on

punch each other and dodging. But then Bykle tries to punch his face and the guy grabbed his arm, pushes him to his stomach almost

breaking his arm. Blyke had no choice but to use his laser beams and escape from him from trying to break his arm. "Fuck it he already got a hold of my ability there's no point in holding back." Blyke throws him a couple of laser beams. The students cheer Blyke on. John

avoids Blyke's laser beams and get behind him throwing him ten laser beams from his finger tips, and knocked Blyke's face with his upper arm. John left him coughing up blood but not without giving him one last punch on his back.

The students are surprised and shocked of  what just happened. And next thing Blyke knows he wakes up in the infirmary bed. When he looks over he sees Remi and Isen with

worried looking faces. "WFT how long have I been out for!?!" "Most of the day. School's almost over."Remi told him. Blyke groans in

pain as he tries to sit up. Remi scolds him and told him to take it easy. When Remi, Isen and Blyke finish talk. Isen go to Alro about John and ask if he has a plan for him. Later Isen

goes to Blyke's dorm with his favorite snacks and drinks. Blyke opens the door. "Hey I thought we can watch movie in your room while we munch on some snacks, I brought your favorite snacks and drinks so what do you

say?" Isen said with a small smile on his face. "Oh my god he's so adorable when he smiles."Blyke said in his mind. Blyke cheeks

were tinted red. He quickly hides his face for Isen to see his blushing. "Thanks Isen, ah come in." They both had a fun time hanging out with

each other. The next day when Blyke walking with Isen to school. (Blyke used a potion from doc to heal quickly.) Blyke decided to tell Isen

how he feels. " Hey Isen." Isen looks at him "yeah?" "I have something to tell you." Blyke couldn't believe he was going to tell him. His

heart was pounding out of his chest. "I- ." Blyke was cut off by the headmaster. "Blyke, Isen both of you are to be in anger management." "Oh Fuck!!" Both Blyke and Isen yell in their minds.

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