Once Upon a Magical Moment (2011)

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A strong solid profile against the endless magical spread of the sea

Upright and captivating, like a proud emperor before his empire

The wind playfully jostles his jet black hairs

Soft light breeze rippling through his white shirt

The ebony shiny pair of eyes glistens at the expanse of beauty laid before.

The adorable dreamy look on his face

The confident triumph reining his demeanor

The free and powerful elation seeping off his edges

Like nothing else matters today…

Nothing can take the moment away…

As if he is holding the Holy Grail in his hands.

My angel, my better half, my soul mate

To think he is with me today,

I must be so blessed by the fate.

While he looks ahead, I stare intently at him

Before all the beauty of nature, glowing like a whim

The conqueror of my heart

The mad rain on my barren life

The undaunted beacon light for my desolate sail

As I held his hands in mine

And he looked into my eyes

The distance diminished and the beauty sparkled

His words created a musical trance over me

I kept listening as he spoke to me.

His eyes, his words, his grasp, his love

Engulfed me, mesmerized me, spell-bounded me

And as he fell silent

My gaze fell over the beautiful deep blue sea behind him

And returned back to his beautiful deep ebony eyes

Overwhelm by this beautiful moment,

I heard my voice say- though my words were few;

“I wish I could express how I feel for you.”

(Photo credits: Ehresman via deviantart)

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