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I've decided to put my authors notes at the beginning of every chapter (If I remember to lol) so maybe people will see it?

So, um, I decided to change Jordan's age from when she was kidnapped from thirteen to eleven, because there years isn't enough training to me, I mean, with her skills and such. I cannot wait to get on with this! Enjoy!

P.S Whoever gets these hints at anything related to cool things in like movies and things, cookies for you ;)


"The turtles, Jordan, the turtles!" Yelled Shredder, my master.

"You mean that there are giant mutant turtles running around in New York City?" I asked incredulously. I was kneeling on the ground, my head tilted upward to see just how serious he was. The glint in his eyes told me that it was a hundred percent.

"Yes. This is what I have been training you for! You must find them, and bring them to me. Karai had tried, and failed. It is up to you now. Do not fail me." His deep voice rang in my ears, less menacing then when I had first heard it. Then, I had been stolen from my bed, supposedly asleep.

"Yes, master." I bowed my head one more time before getting up with smooth agility and sprinting to the doors on the other side of the room. They were opened for me, the foot ninjas heads turned to the ground. I slipped through, heading to my room to gather my supplies.

I had been kept here, with Shedder, basically as prisoner until I knew what I had to do. He told me when I was thirteen that he would train me to be an ultimate soldier, to defeat his greatest enemy.

The deal given to me was: Defeat the enemy, and you will be able to go back to your family. If I didn't, I simply was killed off, along with my family.

In my heart, I knew that I had to keep them safe. That's why I had been going through the endurance and training for this mission, something that Karai had failed at. And for her failure, she was turned into a serpent.

I hoped they still remembered me. I hoped they still wished for me to come home, that I was still alive in the world. Had they even looked for me? I had been gone for five years, now sixteen, and had been training for almost every minute of it.

I was only allowed to sleep for seven hours every day, something I groaned about earlier, since I was a lazy child, but now was accustomed to. Now finally in my room, I took a moment to study it, knowing I wouldn't be in it for awhile.

The walls were remotely bare, black, since I wasn't given anything to keep myself awake during my sleeping hours. I was never able to have any free time, anyway.

Grabbing a duffel bag, I went into my closet for clothing I might need in different situations, most of it given to me by Karai. I stuffed some jeans into the bag, black. The bag was bigger on the inside, larger than it looks on the outside. I put some shirts in there, black.

I put my combat boots, black, specifically made for me (Remotely easy to run in/Makes me faster/Mutes the sound) off to the side, knowing I was about to wear them for when I left.

Everything was black here. My armor, which I wore under my clothing, black, was that color. My makeup, that someone put on me everyday was that color. I saw so much of it that other colors were blinding in comparison.

I felt jittery as I packed the rest of my clothes, even a short cut party dress, just incase. I didn't know what the world was like anymore. The only light I got was from the overhead ones on the ceiling, which were dim. I remember when I once asked to go outside. The results were not good.

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