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I looked down at the steaming food in front of me, my stomach rumbling as I breathed in the thick aroma. I couldn't name most of them, since I hadn't really seen food in awhile. Besides, like, salad and water. And occasionally bread.

A pile of yellow fluff filled up a quarter of my plate, in the northern region. then some meaty patties on the right, the color of a dull brown, almost grey in some areas. Strips lined the bottom half, grease making the edges shine in the light. I looked at them carefully, my fork tucked in between my fingers tentatively. I looked around the table to see that Leo was the only one who noticed my dilemma, since he was right beside me.

He leaded forward, his rich dark blue eyes looking at me carefully, as if I were a broken china doll. He pointed at my food with his own fork."These are the eggs." He said, stabbing the yellow fluff. Picking up a chunk of it, letting the rest fall, he looked to me as if asking permission, and then put the food into my mouth.

I didn't stiffen up as I should have. Instead, I let him, taking it off of the fork with ease. The texture was light, salt melting as it touched my tongue.

"Do you like it?" He asked, hesitating with getting something else. Abruptly, I plucked up the yumminess with my own fork, shoving it into my mouth hungrily. Before I knew it, everything was off my plate, and I had never felt so.. weird in my life. Everyone had paused, Leo's fork hung limply in his hand. My face burned, and I looked down bashfully.

Mikey was the first one to speak up. "Dudette! I'm glad you like it so much. Here- have some more." He took the plate of eggs from the middle of the table, and with a glance at the others, dumped the whole thing into my own plate.

I smiled at him graciously before digging into my food once again, not even taking moments to breath in between bites. Suddenly, barking pulled me put of my thoughts (about how wonderful food is, sadly) and my head whipped around to see two small dogs bounding into the kitchen.

One was black and the other white, and they were playfully bouncing around on their paws, tongues hanging out and tails wagging. Trinitie immediately jumped out of her chair and fell to the floor, where the black puppy pranced over to her, attacking her face with saliva from its tongue.

Leo turned to me. "Their our dogs. The black one is Watson, and the white one Blaze."

Trinitie giggled as she wiped off the spit, proceeding to clean her hands off on her jeans. She cuddled the puppy to her as she said, "They probably just got back from exploring. They do this a lot." When my eyebrows furrowed together in confusion, she elaborated,"Disappear for days - or a week, in this case- at a time. We've had them for about two months."

She stood up with the puppy in her arms, surging forwards in my direction. She held the puppy out to me, and the puppy leaned in her arms, it's eyes innocent and playful. My hand went forward tentatively, gingerly going to stroke it's head. My hand snapped away when it leaned into my touch, but I scolded myself for the fear and petted its head once more.

After my arm retreated for good, Trinitie put it down and washed her hands before sitting down once more. "Yeah, that one's Watson. He's pretty cuddly. He likes to sleep on my stomach." Her head tilted to the side, and she added,"Or on my face. It isn't very fun to wake up with a mouth full of fur." She looked accusingly at Donnie, who sat up a little straighter, acting innocent.

"I have no idea of what your talking about." He said with mock poshness, his voice going up in pitch. Everyone shared a chuckle before finishing their food and going their separate ways.

I set down the dish I had been eating on, smiling at Mikey as he scrubbed them. I stood beside him, rinsing after he deemed them clean enough. He hummed as he worked, sometimes using his fingers to scrub at the grime on the dishes when the rags didn't work.

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