Chapter Two - Welcome to Class C

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"Good morning, Uncle, Auntie." he said as he just came down on the stairs outside house.

A knock on an open door gets Mr. and Ms. Tachibana's attention.

"Ow, Haru." Mrs. Tachibana said, all smiles like she saw her long lost son. "Come here, have some breakfast?"

"I'm good. I'd need to be early today so..."

"Okay now, if that's the case. Take this." she gave him the box of lunch she readied for him. "Eat well okay?"

"Hm," he nodded, "Thanks."

"How's your first day?" Mr. Tachibana asked as he flips his newspaper.

"It was the same as always." Haru said as he leaned on the door, slightly tapping his pointing finger on its wood from behind like he was waiting for a right time to speak again.

"Are you looking for Mirai? It seems you two got on a fight again last night, huh?" Mrs. Tachibana asked after noticing Haru's bandaged hands, "I'm sorry about that."

"No worries." he said as the corner of his lips twitched up when Mirai's pissed face popped on his head.

"As long as she doesn't have rabies, right Haru?" Mr. Tachibana laughed on his own joke.

"Yeah!" Haru agreed.

"You two stop that. If she's here she'll definitely gets mad." Mrs. Tachibana reminded.

Haru and Mr. Tachibana exchange signals as they both coughed controlling to blurt what's on their minds.

They both know that if Mirai bites when she's mad, Mrs. Tachibana was scarier. She might be a beauty queen on her highschool days and described by others as the kindest mom ever because of her being soft spoken. For them she's not just that. Remember what happen to Mirai's hair, it was the proof of her real self. She does something that makes you regret what you'd did.

"By the way, Mirai left an hour ago and as usual she didn't wore her uniform. She told me about some friend of hers... I forgot her name.... she said she needed her help so she rushed, going to school."

"Like that brat ever says the truth." Mr. Tachibana sighed, "She was better in lying than sleeping."

"Let's just hope, she'll be serious in her school now." Mrs. Tachibana sighed. "It was a step up that she woke up early, you know."

"Yeah... yeah..."

Haru straightened up as he confirmed that she already leave for school - she might be there now.

"I'm going now. Thanks for this Aunt." he politely bowed as he turned to leave.

"Take care on your way and be on time so you could have your dinner here, okay!" she said as Haru just waved on them.


Her baggy eyes becomes intense like it fires up as she keeps a strawberry flavored lollipop stayed on her mouth.

"This was the best thing to start my day." she said, kneeling in one foot, tightly tying the lace of her running shoes.

"Are you sure about this Mirai?" the most charming girl of Shirokin High school asked, worried on her best friend's idea.

"Oh yah!" Mirai grinned after cracking the lollipop on her teeth, spitting the stick on the nearest trash bin.

She stood up, tilting her head from side to side to have some warm up as she zipped up her jacket. "They said they didn't have the key so.... "

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