Part 6

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Ayumi POV

It's been about a week since that argument we had. The party is tonight , everyone in our year is going to be there i even heard that the guy who planned the party invited a few of his friends from outside school to the party. There's going to be music , food , dancing and alcohol....basically one of the most lit party this year! I really want to go but Denise won't let me. She is so going to murder me if i go but....maybe if i sneak out she won't find out. What she don't know won't get me killed you know? If i remember correctly Denise always work till late on Fridays and by the time she gets home she is so tired she just goes straight to sleep.

She usually comes home pass 12 about....1am , the party start at 8pm so if i go and get back before 12am i should be safe with 4 hours to have fun with my friends.

It's currently 7.20pm Denise is at work so i quickly text Chloe.

A : Chlo! I'm gg to the party. Pick me up?

C : Serious? okay! Get ready! Be there in 20

A : Ok! See u bish!

I quickly got ready but i didn't put on anything fancy just a plain light pink dress and some light make up , i grabbed my phone and went outside to see Chloe and Brandon waiting for me. I hopped into the car.

When we arrived at the party and damm was it lit! Lights could be seen flashing from inside the house and loud music is every where , people are talking and eating every where , drunk couples could be seen making out on the sofa and some where dancing. The three of us went in , we went to grab some food and talk to some of our friends. Half way through the talking Brandon kinda got "kidnapped" by the guys from his basketball team , Chloe and i went to dance with some of the girls. And....we may or may not have drank a little before we went to dance. I was a little tipsy as we dance i completely forgot to check the time.... i was having too much fun and a little drunk.

Half way through dancing i went to the table where all the food and drinks where , i was thirsty after all the dancing and talking. I grabbed a drink from the table and just as the cup was about to touch my lips someone slapped the cup out of my hands....i was shocked but also pissed. Who the fuck slap the drink outta my hand?! I looked up angry to see who it was , i was greeted with a pair a cold eyes staring back at me....CRAP! IT'S DENISE!
How did she get here?! When did she get here?! How did she know i was here?! Oh no....i'm so doomed!

I didn't know what to do...i just stood there staring at a very very angry Denise. She didn't say a word she grabbed my by my arm and dragged me out of the party and basically threw me into the car , she grabbed my so hard i'm sure it would leave a mark. Shit! She's really pissed! The car ride home was quiet , i managed to peak at my phone it's only 11pm! Shouldn't she be at work?!

Denise POV
I finished work early today usually i finishes after 12am but now it's 10pm and i'm already done. I decided to pick up some Macdonald for my baby to surprise her , she's probably at home watching TV or playing with her phone.
When i got home the lights were on but i can't find her anywhere...she's not in the living room or the bedroom. Where could she be? Why isn't she at home? Then it hit me she probably snuck out to go that party!!

Lucky i remember where the party was supposed to be at i dumped the Macdonald on the kitchen table , got into my car and went to party. I went in the house to look for Ayumi and was walking around when i saw her at the drink table , she took a drink and was about to drink it. I got so mad i just slapped the drink out of her hands and dragged her to the car. We drove home in silence.

Damm i am so mad at her! I told her she couldn't go to the party but here she is! Ayumi looked scared , she should be!
When we reach my house i sat in the car i was so pissed!

"Living room." I said coldly

She immediately jumped out of the car , unlocked the door and ran into the house.
I sighed and got out of the car , i went into the house to see her standing by the couch. I walked passed her and went upstairs to our bedroom and got my belt.
When i went back downstairs she saw the belt and started tearing up. I stood in front of her , Ayumi just stared at the ground too afraid to look up.

"De-Denise i can explain....i'm sorry...ple-" She begged scratching the back of her neck.

"I don't want to hear your excuses!" She started crying....i sighed and pulled her in for a hug.

"Baby...calm know this was coming when you decided to go that party" I said She just nodded. "Bend over the couch babe..."

She hesitated but still bend over the arm of the couch. I lifted the short dress to her waist.

Ayumi POV
Fuck! I was scared shitless right now. She's using the belt?! She can't be serious can she?! I'm really doomed now...

I bend over the arm of the couch , i felt her lifting up my dress but i didn't say a thing , if i said anything it'll only be worst. She placed a comforting hand on the small of my back before starting.


A : "Owww!" my head shot up from the pain as my eyes tear up. I started wiggling around.

D : SMACK Stop SMACK wiggling SMACK

A : Please! h- OW! hurts..
Denise ignored my please

D: SMACK Why SMACK did SMACK you SMACK go SMACK to SMACK that SMACK party SMACK even SMACK though SMACK i SMACK told SMACK you SMACK not SMACK to SMACK go! You SMACK deliberately ignored SMACK me! Not SMACK only SMACK did SMACK you SMACK sneak up SMACK i found SMACK you drinking! SMACK

A: Ugh! I..i'm so so sorry....OW! ple-pleaaasee Ba-babe.... please.....
I chocked out while crying. I can't take this anymore it hurts so mcuhh.

D : a few more..

She finally stopped...i continue crying into my arms trying to calm down , i actually expected her to hug me or something but...

D : Go to the corner and stay there till i say you can come out.
I was shocked! She's not going to hug me or comforted me?!
I obeyed and got up from the couch and went to the nearest corner , i continue crying.

Denise POV
After about 10 minutes in the corner i called her to turn around. I actually planned to let her stay there for 20 minutes but it hurts to see her crying in the corner.

As she turned around i carried her to the couch sitting her on my lap , she started crying again mumbling "ba-be i..i'm so so so-sorry i
did-didn't mean ma-make y-y-you so m-m-mad"

I pulled her head to my chest and hugged her rubbing her head. "shh...shhh that's enough baby...i already forgave you....stop crying..."
Ayumi continue crying into my chest , her cries slowly turn into sobs. She looked like she was about to fall asleep but before she fell asleep i pulled her from my chest. She looked at me confused, i carried her and grabbed a pillow and sat her down at the island.
Ayumi was so happy when she saw the Macdonald , she's so cutee! I swear when she saw the macdonald i saw rainbows.
After eating we went to bed.

(Sorry for the bad ending😅)

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