Chapter eleven

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Not in a million years, never-mind the past five months, did she think she could have feelings for Lucas again. But that day had entirely proved that it wasn't true. Anya felt something.

The next day she got up to go to art class feeling a new kind of happy, she was excited and motivated. Ready to get to work on her art and her speech for the museum, only three months away now. Anya strolled along the cobbled paths, and green fields on her way to class, she took it all in with complete joy.

"Good morning Amanda!" She beamed, walking into the class and placing a blank canvas on her easel.

"It has been a long time since we've seen smitten Anya."

"I'm not about to deny it, I could be."

Not once thinking about Daniel, she sketched out the outline to her new work. Starting fresh, a ballerina in the leaves accompanied by her prince. This wasn't something she could just hide away and deny, she wanted to be with Lucas. By the end of class she had the base to her work in progress and was already so happy with it. Her heart flipped at the thought of seeing him again, the minute she was outside in the autumn afternoon she got out her phone and dialled his number.

"I have to prepare a speech and was hoping one of my non-pregnant writer friends could help me."

They sat at a picnic table, his big brown eyes glistening in the autumn sun. Her nose and cheeks were nipped pink from the cold so nobody would be able to tell if she was blushing from the sight in front of her. She was totally seeing him in a completely different light now. A light that not only captivated his chiselled jawline, tan skin, and dark brown curls, but made him seem kinder than ever.

"Okay, so I want to seem polite, but also confident, and like I know I deserve to be there. Does that make sense?" He chuckled, and scribbled down a note or two in his book.

"That makes sense Ann." Being called her nickname sent butterflies all down her stomach.

"Okay, good, so how do I start?" Lucas began writing and Anya leaned over the table to read his upside-down work.

"Anya you know I can't see your work when you sit across from me! I have to twist my head in impossible ways to see it darling."

"That's the point Daniel, I don't want you to see!" She said laughing, and covering the paper with her arm.

"But I want to see!" He chuckled, pushing her arms off the drawing.

"I can't understand why. I mean look at it, it's not even started."

"That's the best part, I get to watch while you create something beautiful. And I get to see that adorable face you pull when you're concentrating." She laughed and buried her head in her arms, and the thick woolly sweater she was wearing. "I hate you."

"But you're so cute! I love you." Daniel spoke softly, hugging Anya tight.

"I love you." It was a perfect day.

"I love it Lucas. It's so me, but better! You're a genius!" She hugged him briefly and stuffed the letter in her bag. They stood for a minute simply looking at each other, she was trying to work out from his expression whether he felt the same way about her or not.

"Hey, I'm going to the bakery and then home to Lina, do you wanna come with me? Hang out for a while?"

"Sure thing! It could be fun." They went through the park, their boots crunching leaves, breath swirling in front of them. The cold air struck their noses, accompanied by the smell of the bakery food until they reached the house. Opening the door they were greeted by Lina and Joey laughing over a notebook, with music playing in the background.

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