Chapter twenty-one

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When Anya and Lucas got home from taking Tricia to get help, they entered the now dark living room with a new feeling of dread, of shock. Joey and Lina had taken Rosie home so now it was just the two of them in the once overjoyed room.

"I had no idea he would do anything that bad..." Anya said, sitting down next to Lucas, putting her head on his shoulder. He held her close, stroking her hair and shaking his head.

"Neither did I Ann."

"I've never liked Tricia but even she didn't deserve what he did." She whispered, tired. "I just never expected that he'd ever do anything like what he did to me, to her. I thought they were a perfect match, two nasty cheaters that could share their own narcissism."

Anya felt embarrassed at her own surface level assumption.

"He's clearly a violent man with a pattern. It would've happened to anyone who was with him."

"I hate that I once loved him." She said burying herself into his arms. He rubbed her back in sympathy and nodded, whispering,

"It's okay Anya."

Anya sat up and looked around the room. Shadows flooded each corner and darkness danced about them. The only light was a lamp by the couch that Lucas had put on when they first got home. It was scary, it felt like the shadows were about to collapse in on her, like she would be suffocated if she stayed in the dark for too long. Because after a month of joy, of celebration and laughter, reality had hit. The dark reality that she had never truly left the hell that was dealing with Daniel, that he would continue to hurt people and it wasn't just about her anymore.

And like the shadows in the dark room, it surrounded Anya.

She took Lucas's hand and they wandered away from the light, into the shadows and up the stairs. She turned on the bedroom light and turned to see Lucas and his reassuring face. She knew she was safe, and she knew that after tonight, and after everything they'd been through together, that she loved him. She truly, truly loved him.

Anya leaned into him, putting her head to his chest and feeling his hand gently meet the back of her head. He lifted her into his arms and carried her over to the bed, closing the door and banishing all the darkness behind them... He was strong, but gentle, and his touch was firm, but kind.

They forgot the world from that point on, until the morning, not letting an inch of shadow touch either of them for that night.

In the morning Anya woke up to the smell of a beautifully cooked breakfast. She went downstairs to find Lucas, as handsome as ever, with two plates of eggs and bacon. She'd be lying if she said she didn't swoon over the sight.

"There's my perfect man." She smiled, walking over to kiss him.

"Good morning beautiful." He said in return, placing the plates on the table and pulling a chair out for Anya. "What are our plans for today then?" He asked, digging into the delicious food he'd made.

"I was thinking we could go for a walk, then drop by Lina and Joey before writers group, and see little Rosie... Oh and maybe-" She paused herself mid-idea and facepalmed, laughing. "Fuck, I have to call my mother!" She realised, getting her phone from her dressing gown pocket. "I haven't called her since I told her about getting into Castleford arts, and I haven't seen her in months so she made me promise to call her today."

"That's not so bad, is it?"

"Lucas, you sweet guy, you haven't met my mother. She is the most fussy woman on the planet. And even worse she's BRITISH. She talks and acts like the queen."

"Oh... I'm sure she's fine, she raised you to be as amazing as you are, how bad can she be?" Anya stared at him with a sarcastically angry look on her adorable face. She didn't hate her mother, or dislike her in the slightest, but she'd always hated the lectures she'd give her about being an adult ever since she moved out of home. Not only did she criticise every inch of wherever Anya was living but she was constantly texting to ask what she was doing with her life next.

"Invite her over, she can meet me and not only will I make a great first impression, but I will cook a beautiful dinner where we can talk about all your achievements." Lucas suggested,

"Hmmm..." Anya said, looking at him sceptically, "I have been doing well lately, so there won't be any room for criticising my 'unstable career'." She admitted.

"Then it's settled, she can stay here over the weekend." He smiled, receiving a laugh from Anya.

"You're gonna regret this decision." She sighed jokingly, shaking her head, adoring how adamant he was that her mother would be fine. Anya finished her mouthful quickly, remembering something, "Oh my god though Lucas, you'll love my dad." She said, reaching for his hand. "I have no idea how he puts up with my mom but he's still as sweet to her today as the day they met. He loves sports and golf and all that stuff but he's SUPER into literature."

"My area of expertise!" Lucas exclaimed, high fiving Anya.

Maybe with her dad there it wouldn't be so bad? She thought.

Later that afternoon, Lucas came home to find Anya sat on the bench outside, talking on the phone. By the amount of exasperated sighs, words like 'yes' and 'of course' he figured she was talking to her mother. He mouthed excitedly to Anya "INVITE HER OVER!" and she scrunched up her face at him.

After another minute of sighing and Anya listening to her mother drone on she finally had the opportunity to speak.

"So mom, I was wondering if you and dad wanted to come and stay this weekend? You can meet Lucas, and Lina's baby, and-"

She was cut off for another minute by her mother's response, but she nodded at Lucas and he jumped up with enthusiasm, taking himself into the house. It was planned.

Lucas began immediately preparing, and for the next few days all he could talk about was what he'd cook, what he should wear, topics they can and can't discuss.

"No politics, especially not if my mom has had a drink. She and my dad are on opposite sides politically."

"Holy shit, how does that work?"

"Like I mentioned before, he's shockingly patient."

"He must be..."

"Oh and don't bring up musical theatre, because she will start singing showtunes and nobody wants that."

"Ah, noted." He laughed, admiring Anya's beautiful thinking face.

He felt a glowing in his chest, almost like something sparkling that he'd felt a few times before. But this time it was stronger... He was falling in love with this girl more than ever.

But he wouldn't say it, he couldn't. Despite the silence, and the moment, it seemed too soon.

And of course he didn't know that Anya felt exactly the same, but he wondered about it. Unaware of the mornings she'd watched him sleeping peacefully before he awoke, not knowing about every word she said to Lina about how crazy for him she was.

"Lina, Rosie, I am in love with Lucas." She admitted, lifting the baby into the air and dancing around happily.

"I called it lady!" Lina announced, joining this incredibly happy dance.

But of course, she also felt it was far too soon to say anything to him. So both their hearts were left unspoken. Even on the exciting morning of Anya's parents arriving.

The two young lovers had everything prepared for their arrival. Anya helped Lucas with his tie and kissed him quickly before noticing a car pulling up by the house. She looked out the window and saw her mother, perfect as ever, and began to feel sick.

Lucas noticed this and put his hands on her shoulders.

"It will be okay. You're incredible." He said reassuringly, smiling his sweet smile and going to open the door. 

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