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The outer banks were the perfect holiday destination, which is what her father kept telling her over the years when she asked why they never travelled during the summer after having heard all about her class mates' trips to Madrid and Venice.

It was later on she realised that not everyone bought the store brand cereal, and some people didn't wear their shoes until they were falling apart at the seams. Some people didn't worry about pushing off paying the electricity bill's second warning and scrapping together the cash right before the power got cut off. She realised some people were better of than others.  Kendall Di Angelo happened to belong to the others.

But it was all she'd known, all she'd had. Her father worked his ass off trying to keep a roof over their heads all the while raising a teenager on his own. She did her best to not make it too difficult, but it wasn't always black and white. Especially considering her friends and her were prone to stirring up trouble.

It wasn't a secret that she wasn't supposed to be born. Kendall Di Angelo was the result of  high school one night stand and crashed into the world of two sixteen year old teenagers. It was all nice and dandy up until her father got kicked out of his house and her mother had to erase her mistakes. Her mother's pure esteemed Christian household didn't want a bastard tarnishing their good name so she had to make a choice, drop the kid or get disowned.

Now, Candace Emmerson didn't belong to just any family. The Emmerson name was renown in Figure Eight. The prestigious dynasty that carried the aircraft and transport industry from generation upon generation. And she was just a scared sixteen year old girl who had only known life in a bubble where her parents were always there with a safety net woven out of golden threads.

The decision was made very fast and the mistakes were sweeped under the rug. Candace was homeschooled and isolated from the outer world, to keep the accident hidden because she refused to abort the child. When Kendall Di Angelo was delivered she was to have no relation whatsoever to Candace Emmerson, but luckily for her, a deal was made with Lorenzo Di Angelo, the baby daddy. He was to take the baby and raise her with a chunk of money getting delivered to his door every month to keep him hushed. At first he was hesitant, but the moment he laid eyes on the baby he fell in love with her and knew he'd do anything to keep her safe.

After her father was kicked out by his parents his uncle took him under his wing and into his home and let him work at his garage. Which allowed him to build up a sum of money, combined with what he received from the Emmersons it became enough to get himself a small house by the time Kendall turned five.  It was at that age she realised she was missing a mother figure compared to her friends from kindergarten and she started asking questions.

"Daddy, Becca has a mommy and Ralph has a mommy. Where's my mommy?"

"Dolly, daddy's alone. Mommy left, baby," he sighed as he brushed out her hair with her seated on his lap.

"Where did she go?" Kendall asked as she brushed out her dolls hair in her lap

"She went far far away," he droned his eyes held a distant gaze.

Kendall frowned turning to look at her dad over her shoulder. "She didn't like us?"

The sight of her disappointed face cracked Lorenzo's heart on spot and he couldn't have her carry the fact her mother abandoned her, he'd shield her from any bad thing, just to keep those big brown eyes gleam with joy and innocence for as long as he could he'd vowed. "Baby, she loves you more than the sun loves the moon."

"Why did she go?" the brunette pouted.

"Mommy's a superhero and she had to save the world."

The five year old gasped and her mouth dropped in awe as she wiggled out her dad's lap to turn and stand on his legs as she faced him, "Like spiderman?"

Her dad cracked a smile as he nodded. "Like spiderman, she's out there catching bad guys and saving other kiddo's like you."

"Wow," Kendall awed with wide innocent eyes. It was the first time she'd ever heard her dad actually talk about her mother. The birthday card he read out to her every year weren't comparable. "I love her too," she beamed, "Like the sun loves the moon." She repeated her father's words going back to brush her doll's hair with a grin adorning her face and showing her missing teeth. "And I love you too, daddy."



this takes place the summer BEFORE season 1.
I KNOW not another fkn story. BUT I HAVE SO MANY PLANS FOR THIS ONe also sarah deserves some love and IM RJSLDLLD. please please comment and tell me what u think i might change the name of the oc give me suggestions.

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