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Kendall zipped up the sports bag with a sigh before slinging it over her shoulder. She walked out of her room and took a last glance over it before she closed the door. Most of her stuff remained there. She just took the essentials, some photos and her favourite books.

She made her way down the porch. The old wooden front door creaked as she pulled it shut before she turned to look at her dad. He shot her a wink and she replied with a smile as she walked over the the group stood before the two cars. Her great-uncle was leaning against his old truck with a lopsided smile on his face. He was going to drive her dad to the airport.

"I didn't think we'd reach the end so fast," JJ muwled dramatically.

John B chuckled while shaking his hand. "Lady Di Angelo, it does not do well to dwell on us lowly peasants."

Kendall smacked his shoulder. "Don't start with that crap."

"No one's crossed the border and kept their sanity, once you get a taste of the madness, you'll become insatiable," Pope played along, teasing Kendall, although a rational part of him was worried just how much the new lifestyle was going to affect his friend.

"If you go full kook on me, I won't even attend your funeral after I kill you," Kie warned her.

Kendall pursed her lips, nodding sarcastically. "Sounds reasonable, I can live with that."

"Aight guys, time to round it up," Kendall's father clasped his hands together from where he was leaning against the truck as well.

Kendall nodded and looked over her friends. "Guys, it's just a thirty minute drive," she reassured them, although she knew it wasn't going to be as easy as it sounded. She had no idea what to expect of the sudden summoning of the lady that had abandoned her at birth.

"Might as well be half the world away," JJ grumbled. She hated that she felt like he was right.

"Stop whining. Group hug!" she yelled extending her arms.

The gang huddled together in a tight embrace savouring the moment before taking a step back.

"Miss Di Angelo," the chauffeur that had been sent by her mother cleared his throat before calling for her. She was torn between feeling bothered that her mother sent her minion to collect her and feeling relieved that the dreaded reunion with her mother was postponed for even the slightest bit of time.

With a tight lipped smile she looked over the pogues once more before stepping forward to her father and hugging him. "Stay safe, doll, I love you," he mumbled into her hair.

"I love you, too," she replied sadly. The reality of it all hit different. For the first time ever they'd be separated for so long. It felt futile to go about her day without the most important pieces of it.

Her great-uncle, Stefano, wrapped an arm around her in a strong hug. "Stammi benne amore," Her uncle was a hardworking man, the calloused fingers that lifted her chin up were the evidence. He'd been there every step of the way and had helped raise her like she was his own daughter. The age difference between him and her dad was barely noticeable although her father had just hit thirty while her great-uncle neared his end thirties.

These men had put their lives on hold and had gone above and beyond to take care of her. And now fifteen years later, the lady that had thrown her in their laps was demanding for her to come back to her like she was whistling for her dog. She knew her dad and uncle weren't too keen on the whole situation, but they were peaceful men who'd seen the ugliness of the world and knew they couldn't afford to start a war when it wasn't needed. She nodded with an appreciative smile, "Sempre."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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