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The next two weeks lived up to those expectations. The Pogues made it their absolute mission to enjoy every second in and out of school.

Like boat rides in the sunset after school,

"No, JJ! " Kendall protested as she scrambled back trying to put some distance between them with her arm outstretched. JJ's eyes glinted like a madman his smile mischievous as ever as he prowled forward like some kind of predator.

"I didn't bring my bikini- this is a new dress!" she swore as she clambered backwards using her other hand to feel for obstacles on the rowdy small boat. There was only so far she could go before she'd reach the end of the boat and he'd corner her. "Oh, come on let's go for a nice swim, it'll help cool off that hot temper," he grinned as she stepped forward.

"I swear-" she started leaping backwards, knowing very well she was only two steps away from falling of the boat as she neared the tip, before her back hit a wet torso and arms wrapped around her. "You swear?" Kie hummed in her ear from behind, her voice tinted with amusement. Kendall's eyes widened as she realised she'd played right into the arms of the enemy quite literally. Kie was smart enough to have actually worn a bikini. "Kie, please," Ken begged as she remained still in her arms, trying to negotiate, if she flailed it took Kie only one step to leap her over the edge. JJ's smirk was wide as ever and he'd halted his steps to watch the scene unfold and he wasn't complaining.

"Last chance to take it off," Kie mused and Ken's cheeks turned a deep red matching her flower dress. "Unless you want me to flash you my boobs, I don't think that's such a good idea," Ken grumbled with irritation willing the blush to go away with her mind.

"Oh, in contrary, I think that's a great idea," JJ grinned boyishly. "In your dreams, blondy," she shot back and he gripped at his heart as if she'd shot him. "Guess it's diver down," Kie said and although she couldn't see her face she could feel the smile on her neck.

"Wait-" Kendall tried one last time, but before the word had barely even left her mouth Kie had taken a step back, leaping over the edge, and all Kendall could do was scream and grip the arms wrapped around her diving head first in the water, breaking though the warm surface. As they fell deeper, the colder it became. The waters in the Gavins were shallow, so when they reached the bottom Kie finally released her grip on the girl, but Kendall's eyes were shut tightly and her hands were wrapped around Kie's arms not even noticing her freedom.

Kie nudged her with her shoulder and Ken opened her eyes, she dropped her hold on the toned brunette and whipped around to face her. Kie smiled at her with her victoriously with her mouth closed as they floated right above the bottom of the waters. Her face hovered closely to Ken's as she tried to read her, but Kendall shook her head before she kicked the water, starting to swim upwards with Kie hot on her trail.

She gasped a breath of air once she broke through the surface followed up by a fit of coughing. She heard JJ laughing with Pope and John B who were sitting at the edge of the boat having just gotten out of the water themselves. Kie chuckled along before a violent splash of water hit her in the face. She let out a fake gasp before she grabbed Ken's wrists putting a halt to the Italian girl's desperate attempt to bend the water.

"I'll take you down, again." Kendall's eyes flashed alarmed but she halted her struggles and narrowed her eyes at the tanned girl. "You owe me a new dress, Carrera," she told her. Kie chuckled, "Sure," she wrapped her arms around the small pouting brunette as to comfort her before mumbling in her neck, "you look better without it anyway." That earned her another splash, "Perv."

The rest of the two weeks consisted of scavenge trips through the forest while JJ narrated as if it were a nature documentary, talking back to the teacher, barbecues at Ken's place where her old man whipped out his rusty grill all the while making sure to embarrass Ken with the silliest dad jokes, sleepovers at John B's where Big John kept them entertained by the bonfire, telling them old folklore tales about the outer banks and his own adventures when he ventured the seas, Friday night parties in the boneyard where they danced until the sun rose.

God did she love her friends. It was in moments like these where she was sat at the top of the tree next to Kie while passing a blunt, with the three boys quibbling downstairs, trying to figure out how they'd reach the top, where she became hyperaware of her existence and who she was. She scrambled to her feet and leaned against the bark of the tree with one hand as she steadied her feet, regaining her balance. It was an old tree not too far off from where Kendall lived and she'd climbed it plenty of times through the years to the point she'd memorised the max capacity of each branch. "Ken, be careful," Kiera told Kendall, her tone revealed her worry and Kendall thought it was cute.

"I'm on top of the world!" she called out once she'd found her balance and below her JJ and John B started hooting as if responding to their pack leader. Pope grinned as he raised the volume of the music that droned statically out of the beat up Volkswagen.

Kiera couldn't help but smile as she took in her best friend's euphoric demeanour. Ken's grin beamed and could put the sun to shame, her gorgeous brown eyes made Kie feel warm and safe, her tousled hair effortlessly made her look like she walked out of a vogue catalogue.

It was the last school-day, which meant summer started tomorrow, which meant her father left tonight, which meant that Kendall would officially move out of this house tomorrow and reside in some kook mansion in figure eight for the entirety of the summer. And although that thought swam in the back of her mind, in this moment she didn't dwell on it. Cause in this moment she was here, with her real family. And no amount of kook luxury or wealth could ever compare to their epic story.


hello bitches please vote and comment what you think will happen or what you want to happen i love interacting with u guys also tell me what you think of kendall bc i'm like in love w her

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