Chapter 7: Get Togethers

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When Mira was picking out a hero name, one of her friends suggested Amethyst, as her purple hair and eyes were her most distinguishable feature. The name stuck with her...

"Japan's Newest Female Hero: Amethyst the Physics Defining Hero!"

"After only 4 years of hero work, beloved hero Amethyst retires early and settles for life as U. A's newest teacher in the hero department."

"Now all of the sudden they care about me!" Mira said furious as she chopped a carrot on the chopping board, "I only had a few faithful fan base! Not the whole media!"

"New reports from Might Tower that Amethyst who's real name is Mira Nakamura, quit for no reason."

"It's crazy that you used to be a pro hero! It's crazy that I'm living with a former pro hero! You used to be famous, Mira! And now you teach at Japan's most famous high school!"

"She had stopped coming to work for almost a week before she quit."
The CEO of Might Tower tells us.

"I'm just like any other person, Inko, you know that"

"Former hero, Amethyst pregnant? View full story on page 5."

"Hold on, aren't you that hero from TV? The one the news is going crazy about?"
Mira sighed, "yes, that's me, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't inform anyone that I live next door, Mitsuki"
"Aha! So it is true! You are expecting a baby!"

"This photo appears to be of former hero Amethyst with a baby bump. Who could the father be? Is it one of her former co-workers?"

"Agh! Doesn't he watch the news!"

"Breaking News: Former hero and current teacher, Mira Nakamura, formerly known as Amethyst, files a restraining order against all news networks as, 'they are invading her private life' no media is allowed within 90 feet of Mira Nakamura, starting on Monday"

"And that's the last article... I guess the restraining order worked" Kirishima said as he finished reading the old articles on his phone.

"Lemme see a picture of her" Kaminari said looking over at Kirishima's phone, "no way that's his mom, Nakamura doesn't have a strand of purple on his head!"

"Yeah, but, the last name!" Kirishima explained, "and she was pregnant 15 years ago! Her kid should be our age!"

"That's if she even was pregnant to begin with" Kaminari slurped in his smoothie, "what the heck is a baby bump anyway?"

"I don't know either" Kirishima said with a confused expression as the bell to the coffee shop rang, indicating a customer has entered.

Both of their heads turned to the door to see Akira with a happy smile.

"Hey guys!" He waved making his way over to the booth.

"About time! Your smoothie was melting" Kirishima said pushing the plastic cup to Akira.

"Thanks!" He taking a sip of the strawberry smoothie.

"so, did you get in?" Kaminari asked.

"I did!"

"Great!" Kaminari cheered, "now we can start this celebration!" He threw up bits of shredded napkin as confetti.

"Awesome! I knew you'd make it!" Kirishima said with his pointy tooth smile.

'and I made it by myself!' Akira was about to say, but bit his tongue in order to stay quiet.

"And isn't it crazy that All Might is going to be a teacher this year!" Kaminari said, "all the teachers are pros isn't that awesome!"

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