Peter Parker and Tony Stark's Normal (or not so normal) Life Online

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"And here's my table. Here's where I do my stuff, Mr. Stark leaves some projects for me to finish here and there I plan everything so that he can check it out later."

He promised Ned he would show him what Mr. Stark's lab looked like, he couldn't convince the man to bring Ned though, so a video will have to do. And that's what he's doing, his table is kind of a mess right now but he's sure his best friend won't mind, he will be too focused on fangirling anyway.

"Oh! And here is where Mr. Stark does-"

"Dumm-E! What did I tell you?! No more smoothies!" The older man screams in the background, startling Peter who turns around, the camera focusing on his mentor now. "Stop it or I swear to God I will take you apart and give each of your pieces to people all over the country so that you don't get rebuilt."

Visibly annoyed, Mr. Stark takes the cup away from Dumm-E going straight to the sink and draining it all. With a scoff, he takes a paper cap with the word 'Dunce' written in capital letters and without hesitation, puts it on the robot's head. Dumm-E still in the same place lowers his claw, kind of ashamed and chirps.

"No, don't do that to me. You know it won't work. You've earned it. You know you can't do that. Last time you made me a smoothie I puked for days. Days Dumm-E. And I specifically told you to not do it again. You agreed remember?" The small robot chirps again "Of course you remember, you are not that stupid." His claw went even lower. "No, I didn't mean that. You are not stupid, I'm sorry. Just-" The man sights, crouching down in front of the robot "don't do it again, okay buddy? Can you do that for me?" At the soft tone, Dumm-E lifts his claw once again, moving it up and down. "Of course you can. Good boy." Mr. Stark pats his 'head' slightly and gets back up.

Peter, still filming everything, approaches the robot and copies his mentor. He gets down to his level and pats his 'head' with a smile on his face, trying not to let the cap fall off his head. He changes to his phone's inner camera and gets the robot and himself in the shot.

"So as you've heard Mr. Stark, this is Dumm-E. He's kind of all over the place sometimes, but he's a good boy. Aren't you Dumm-E?" At the mention of his name, he chirps a couple of times, getting closer to Peter, his arm moving towards the camera. "No Dumm-E, don't touch the camera it might-"

"What are you doing with Dumm-E kid? He's in timeout, you'll play with him later, okay?" Mr. Stark's voice makes him turn his head and get up. With a soft apologetic smile, he says goodbye to the robot, changes the camera angle and goes to his mentor's table.

"Don't you think you were a little harsh Mr. Stark?"

"Look kid, I-" The older man directs his attention towards him, but when he sees the camera he stops talking. With a raised eyebrow he looks directly at it. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, this? I was just filming the things I do on my workbench for Ned, and I thought you wouldn't mind if I filmed the rest of the lab."

"Oh, yeah." Still with a raised eyebrow, he looks between the camera and his mentee, finally turning to continue working on his project. "Just don't film important stuff that can't get out of here, okay?"

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