Peter Panics And Purrs (onewithtoast)

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The moment Peter stepped foot into the building, FRIDAY's voice rang out.

"Boo-Boo Protocol activated. Please remain in the room, Peter. I suggest sitting." Peter groaned and dramatically tossed his head back as he dragged a hand down his face. His class gave him weird looks while the employees gave him looks ranging from sympathetic to worried to amused. The trip hadn't even started yet and he wanted to die.

Tony Stark stepped out of the elevator. The employees parted for him like the Red Sea as he rushed to the lobby. He didn't stop until he was in front of Peter, seemingly completely ignorant to the other teenagers crowding them. Tony immediately put his hands on Peter's shoulders, scanning for injury.

Peter gave Tony the look of a dead inside man - or an annoyed teenager - and Tony just stared back with obvious concern.

"Talk to me Peter." God, even his voice was filled with unveiled concern. Peter rolled his eyes and looked away from him.

"Mm-mm." He absolutely refused. He knew his class was looking at him like he was some crazed alien claiming to be their saviour while obviously being their destroyer, but he couldn't find himself to care. He was just so annoyed right now. Not even the tiny flash of hurt across Tony's face made him find it in himself.

"Kid." Tony's voice was filling with panic now. Peter shot him a hard glare and huff.

"Fine." Wow. Where was all this sass coming from? That was so rude of him! He still didn't care though. He was mostly human, and he was allowed to have off-days.

"Cherry pie." It was a code for non-fatal but still pretty bad injuries. No one else - not even Ned and MJ - understood, but Tony's eyes widened like it meant the world to him, and immediately went about trying to pull Peter to the medbay without even saying so. But Peter remained put. He was stuck; literally to the ground, but also between a rock and a hard place. He absolutely despised being here on a field trip already, but he had hoped it could be at least normal in some way. Apparently not.

But now he stuck to what his mind interpreted not as familiar, but expected. The expected situation with the expected outcome of a somewhat odd field trip. But no. Tony just had to be looking out for him, so kind and caring, with such concern that he even added a protocol just for making sure Peter was okay to his personal AI. And that's when the guilt came crashing into him. It hit him so hard and suddenly, that he almost felt like he was going to puke. Tony was in front of him, trying to talk to him.

Peter couldn't hear him.

All he knew was the tears welling in his eyes, the bullet hole in his leg, the slash near his chest, and the guilt. Also, he was still stuck to the floor. It happened sometimes in extreme cases. He would be surprised yet relieved he hadn't done anything obviously spidery yet, but he wasn't in the right state of mind. He was already focusing on all the negativity happening, and he was trying to focus on Tony's voice. He wanted to tell Tony that he was Trying Mr. Stark and So so so sorry . But his mind was scattered and he couldn't even stop the tears from rolling down his face. Tony waved off his class with urgency, but he didn't notice.

Then there was a sharp pain in his mouth and oh god not now. Why? His fangs had popped out, and they were digging into his gums. He was still crying, still stuck, still felt like he was drowning.

He subconsciously recognized Tony trying to pick him up though, and thank god he responded to that. He doesn't know how, but somehow his feet unstick. Then Tony is carrying him bridal style and all he can do is curl into Tony.

He tries breathing, but he really can't. He's still in inner turmoil, and he only has some control over his thoughts now. All he wants to do is tell Tony how bad it is, so he focuses on that and remains ignorant to the sobs wracking his body and the tears soaking Tony's shirt. All he can do is repeat Key lime pie. Key lime pie. Key lime pie. He hopes that soon his mind will understand the importance and let him speak. It does.

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