Just Another Field Trip (BlackWolfHeartnet)

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Peter Parker sat in class, watching the trees sway in the gentle breeze. He had finished his classwork several minutes ago -even if Mr. Richard has said that the fifteen problems should take all class- and was waiting for the bell to ring so that he'd be able to escape his torture.

"Whatever you didn't finish in class today, that'll be your homework for tomorrow." The majority of the class groaned. "I have permission slips here for the annual field trip." The groans turned into excited whispering. "As well as a bunch of NDAs that you and your parents need to sign. I need all of these back on Monday." Mr. Richard passed the papers forward and when the girl in front of Peter -Rachel, his brain supplied- passed him the stack of papers, he took one and nearly swore.

Midtown High School Field Trip Permission Form

Location: Stark Industries

"Now class, enjoy your weekend. The trip is next Friday. Any of you who do not get these back to me on Monday will not be coming." The bell rang through. "Mr. Parker, please stay after class." Peter nodded and quickly sent a text to Happy Hogan -Mr. Stark's bodyguard and personal driver- that he'd be out a little bit later. The emotionless driver sent back a thumbs up.

"You wanted to see me?" Peter questioned when he and Mr. Richard were the last in the room. Peter's best friend, Ned Leeds was waiting outside the door.

"Yes. I know that you are telling people that you have an internship at SI but the company does not hire high schoolers. Now, I don't care if you tell people at the school, I really don't, but do not speak of the lie at SI. It would reflect badly upon Midtown." Mr. Richard said. "Yes, I am aware that you are lying."

"But, I'm not lying. I even handed in papers signed by Mr. Stark. Mr. Stark even came to the school to pick me up after getting hurt in P.E. He's my emergency contact." Peter tried to explain.

"Sure. If you tell these lies during the tour, we'll be having a conversation with the principal and your guardian." The teacher said and suddenly Peter wasn't as annoyed. Mr. Stark was his legal guardian and to the government, Peter was actually Peter Parker-Stark.

"Right. May I leave now?" Peter asked and Mr. Richard nodded.

"What was that about?" Ned asked when they pulled open the back doors of the silver SUV that Happy had decided to drive for the day. Peter just shook his head, mouthing 'I'll tell you later'.

"So Peter, care to share why you were late getting out of the building today?" Happy asked as he pulled out of the school's parking lot.

"Mr. Richard wanted to go over my work. He's annoyed that I finished it all in class." Even Peter could hear the lie.

"Sure kid."

Soon enough, Happy pulled in front of Stark Tower to drop them off and with a muttered 'bye', Happy drove off.

"Ned." Peter said when he started walking towards the front door.

"What?" He turned to face Peter.

"Mr. Richard said that I was lying about the internship. He said that if I mention that I was an intern here during the tour, there would be a meeting between us, the principal and my guardian." Peter said and watched as Ned's demeanour morphed from concern to excitement.

"But Peter," Ned shouted, "that's a good thing, right? Means you can mention it and not worry about the consequences."

"Worry about what?" Both boys shot their heads up to watch as Tony Stark himself exited the building -his building- and stopped in front of them. "Care to fill me in?"

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