Lets Snuggle (xmas AU)

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"Merry Christmas Sammy, I'll call tomorrow I think" I said into the phone that was precariously resting between my ear and shoulder as I carried the shopping up the stairs.

I sighed as I got to my apartment, finally. 9 at night and I was already shattered. There was only two apartments on this floor and my neighbour seemed either shy or busy as I've seen him like once.

As soon as I unlocked the door and ran in to quickly put the ice cream away before it melted.

Everything was tidy, a little bit Christmassy but I wasn't exactly expecting anyone to visit me this year. Or the next.

Suddenly, as soon as the TV switched on it turned off again and all I could hear was like a shutting down of lights and heating system around me-like in films. Everything was out, not a light apart from my phone. And even then, no signal.

"Oh great" I sarcastically said to myself, slumping on the couch and crossing my legs, waiting for the power to come back on. But it didn't. After about 20 minutes I figured someone would've told the landlord by now and I was starving. I only had ice cream and other junk food that didn't need to be friggin' cooked. Damn me for not getting camping cookers.

The weirdest thought came to me: ask your neighbour

Reluctantly I stood up and used my phone light to find my way out of my apartment across to the other guys room with just socks on, bumping into various furniture.

"Hello? Hey it's Dean, Dean Winchester, I live across from you" I said to the door as I heard the padding of footsteps.

"Hello Dean, I'm Castiel" he opened the door and, fuck, he could happily compare to some sort of sex-God, even in the little light I provided.

"Hey...Cas, the power is out and I was wondering if you have any like cooking stuff, I don't know. I live alone, you do...so let's combine forces or something. It's Christmas Eve and I'm literally starving so-"

"Come in, I've got some a gas cooker and some food if you want to eat with me if you like. It's shit that this happened of all nights" Cas gave me a warm smile and invited me inside. I looked behind me quickly before stepping inside. His living space was almost completely covered in candles. Candles everywhere.

"Woah" I gasped, taking in the quite beautiful sight.

"Err, make yourself at home. I've got a few candles as you can see" he laughed at himself. Finally I could see him and all his beauty, bright blue eyes and thin but quite toned body, he looked like he was in pjs already judging by his sweatpants and tight t-shirt.

I stiffly sat on his surprisingly comfortable couch then sort of lay back on it, marvelling at his paintings and photographs around the room.

"You're so shy, to think behind your walls is all this! I mean, they're beautiful"

"Thanks, I-I did them myself" he stuttered in thanks, smilling at recognition.

"Masterpieces. That's what they all are. Especially that car in the woods and snow, I love it" I pointed at one particular favourite.

I could see him blush in the candle light which made him all the cuter as he shuffled where stood.

"What would you like to eat? I've not got too much so..."

"I saw you've got some tomato soup"

Castiels eyes lit up almost "It'll be ready in a few minutes"

"Thanks, Cas. I can call you that, right?" I began to hear the patter of light rain on the window, quite warming and homely feel to it.

"Urm...yeah. Of course" he began to go to work as I scanned through my messages on my phone.

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