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Kassidy Hunter, a prominent photographer from New Orleans, straight out of a fresh photo session, was just informed about an island with no name.

The island is not located on any map nor does anyone know it exists, until just now when her best friend mentioned it for her next shoot. "I'm telling you, its in the middle of the ocean with a whole community and everything!", Timothee explained. Kassidy was extremely disinterested in her friends story so she continued flicking through her shots for an assignment for university. They were currently sitting on a slightly uneven bench in the middle of a park. Taking in her surroundings, she sighed, "Timmy, I don't think that's real. Lies do exist you know". He deflated "Kass... I know. Can you just let me have this one thing! You ruin all the fun" he finished with a smirk that lets Kassidy know he wasn't serious.

She nudged him in the arm and restsedher head on his shoulder. She pulled out her phone to look up the island that he was talking about. Sure enough, there was absolutely no record of this place. Timothee eyed her phone, "I already told you, know one knows what this is except for my family and myself". Kassidy started gently pulling at his curls, still resting her head on his shoulder. "Fine, it's not made up. If i go to this island for my shoot and don't come back, i'm coming to haunt you", she giggled and sat up taking his hand. They walked around the park to discuss her travel plans.

A week later, Kassidy was packing her bags for a trip to the unnamed island, suitcase resting on her bed. "Alright, alright i'll send you letters when i get there.... Yes! I know its going to be rainy every day. You told me this so many times. Besides, i bet it's going to be super bright and sunny. That's why i'm bringing my bathing suit and sunnies". On the other line of the phone, Timothee huffed "Don't say I didn't warn you, I gotta go. I'll meet you at the port" the phone clicked. Kassidy closed the suitcase and walked towards her bedroom door, umbrella still sitting on the bed. "Just in case" she mumbled to herself as she picked up the umbrella.

The trip to the boat port was relatively quick. Kassidy couldn't help but be kind of nervous for such a trip. Timothee was already by the docks when she got there. "Hey i packed you some snacks for the boat. I know how much you like blueberry Eggos. They might not be warm but... they're Eggos!" Timmy looked so pleased with himself that Kassidy couldn't help but grin. He lifted a cloth on the basket to show the waffles. Kassidy's eyes lit up, "Thank you! These are going to be gone within the next hour". A burly man with white hair and a beard strolled over to the two friends, "Ye be Kassidy?" she nodded"Your boat is ready, i'll be driving this boat for ye travels". Kassidy assumed that was Timmy's grandfather which was quickly confirmed by the exchange of hugs between the two. The grandfather coughed, "We'll be off then?". With a hug to Timothee, she was off.

She was led to a small sailboat with a small room on the inside. "Here's where ye be sleeping. Don't worry 'bout me, i have to keep watch." grandfather grunted stepping out. Kassidy dropped her bag onto the cot provided. She sat beside her luggage,"This'll have to do". The boat trip lasted 2 full days. Kassidy almost spent no time in the little cabin under the deck of the boat. She spent most of her 2 days learning how to sail. She learned Timothee's grandfather's name was Harold and that he has been sailing for over 50 years, with him being 64 now.

On the 3rd morning, Kassidy was awoken to the jerk of the boat after it hit a dock. She quickly rubbed her eyes and slipped on a flannel. As she stepped out from inside the cabin, she was met with an unsettling dark atmosphere. The sky was a grey, almost black color, with sheets of clouds covering the sun and everything around it. Ahead of her, was an obnoxiously long bridge. It looked as if it was a dock at one point but it was clearly abandoned. At the end of the bridge was a dreadful village. "Harold? Are we here?" He was no where in sight, not even a trace of the man. Kassidy grew nervous as she stepped off the boat that was tied to the bridge, forgetting all of her belongings inside due to her overwhelming curiosity.

The walk to the village was very dangerous due to the fact that there were planks that were holding on by precisely one nail and some that were completely gone. The waves were rocking the bridge around as she cautiously stepped between each plank, noises of creaking wood surrounded her. Shaking, she made it to the sturdy, stone, pavement. She relished in the feeling of feeling safe at last but still with the thought of Harold disappearing in the back of her mind. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of grumbling coming from a man in a dull, yellow raincoat. "Excuse me! Have you seen a man with white hair and a beard around here who goes by the name of Harold?" Kassidy asked. The man scoffed at the question and grumbled something along the lines of "Fuck off will ya?" Kassidy rolled her eyes, "What is your problem? All I did was ask a simple question. I just need a yes or no answer..." He turned around abruptly to face her as he groaned, irritated.

Kassidy was met with a young looking man who was dirtied by the sea. His waterlogged hair clung to his reddened cheeks, a jawline that could skin a fish. His green eyes suddenly softened when he looked into hers. "I... I'm sorry for being rude," he stuttered quickly averting his eyes back to the water. His change in attitude was startling. His back was hunched over because he was reeling in the days catch. She hesitated, "You live here right? Do you think you could show me around? I'm a photographer and I'm taking pictures for a project." The mysterious fisherman stood up completely straight, towering over Kassidy. She took a large step back.

His galoshes were filled to the brim with water. He sighed, "Sure, I can help you but you tell me your name first". "Kassidy Hunter, pleasure... and you?" she said with a polite smile. "Rueliamousite Van Dyke. People call me Ruel." He said with a shrug. He pulled back the rope the fishing net is attached to, bringing the fish he caught up. Kassidy looked at the net to see what was caught but was met with nothing at all. Ruel cleared his throat as he threw the net on the ground nearby, "Let's be off then." Ruel began walking and Kassidy quickly followed. "This is where I store all of my fish" he pointed at a tall, stone tower with a wooden roof. "Would you mind if i snapped a few pictures?" Kassidy asked "There...isn't much to see." Ruel briskly walked past the tower to move on. It was almost like he didn't want to talk about it. Strange.


hey guys this originally started as a joke but it's kinda cool I think.

-picture used is the recreation I made of my dream the day after I had it
-his name is pronounced like rool-lah-moes-eet (Rueliamousite)
-galoshes are rain boots
-obviously based on ruel the singer and no Rueliamousite is not his real name
-kassidy is my best friend I just wanted to write a fic where she would fall in love with ruel lmao
-timothee as in chalamet
-this whole town is based on a creepy dream I had
-idk how long this is gonna end up being, bare with me
-lets hope I actually feel like writing more of this after today

stream walls
stream fine line
stream petals for armor
stream heartbreak weather

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