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The tour was quite short because of how small the town was. The first stop of the tour was the butcher who was a very cross, flabby man with a bloodied apron. He carried a cleaver like he was going to kill someone. His eyes were yellow and his facial hair was long. Kassidy speed walked away from there. Ruel obviously used to this, walked slowly behind her. 

Next, they took a trip to the forest which was almost pitch black once fully immersed inside. A startling noise caused Kassidy to run out as fast as possible while Ruel just stood still, looking at the reason behind the noise. A twig. With a laugh, Ruel jogs to catch up.

Because there wasn't very much else to see in the town, the last place they visited was the diner. Inside there was more people than anywhere else. It reeked of fish and other unpleasant things. The floor was a dirty checkerboard pattern with peeling wallpaper for walls. The menu was filled with fish everything: Fish filet, fish sticks, fish tacos, and just plain fish. Kassidy wrinkled her nose in disgust.

While standing in the door way, giving a good look at the place, Kassidy realized a trend between all of the residents. All of their faces held attitudes that matched the towns atmosphere, emotionless and boring. That was until she took a glance at Ruel who was just a sight for sore eyes. Sure, she had seen his face before, but it all clicked from the contrast. He looked back at her and their eyes locked, both stunned. Ruel averted his eyes and looked down at his shoes, "Let's get going..." He brushed passed Kassidy as if something was wrong and walked out.

Rain. As soon as the tour of the town ended, it started to pour. "Quick! In here! I forgot to introduce you to some people," Ruel started walking toward a dull colored building, just like every other building in town. He opened the door and Kassidy gaped. In juxtaposition to the cheerless exterior, the inside was glowing with soft yellow and orange hues, healthy green plants, an assortment of beautiful smelling flowers, and colorful pastries in a glass case. The wooden floor was a spotless brown and the walls were covered in an elegant floral pattern. A pleasant aroma of fresh baked treats filled Kassidy's nose.

Just as she thought that it couldn't get any better, a lanky man with chocolate, brown hair that touched his shoulders, with a bright green striped apron walked over to the cash register. "Well Hi Ruel! Who did you bring with you, love?" his voice was as deep as the ocean that surrounded the island. "Oh Harry, this is Kassidy, Kassidy, Harry" Ruel motioned between the two as he talked. Kassidy looked around, "This bakery is wonderful." She shook his hand. Harry smiled a dimply grin that Kassidy couldn't help but reciprocate, "Thank you. I'll have to introduce your friend to my husband if that's alright, honey... and Ruel, clean yourself up! You look like a mess!" With one last look at Kassidy, Harry disappeared into the back of the bakery. Ruel turned, "So these people are my parents. Big contrast between them and me huh? My room is just up those stairs over there," he pointed at a dark staircase, "My other dad is pretty great too by the way so don't get nervous." Ruel took Kassidy's hand just for comfort but she could feel the butterflies in her stomach go crazy. 

A few moments later, Harry and a slightly short man with piercing blue eyes came back into the room. Ruel drops Kassidy's hand, "This is Louis, the love of my life, my cupcake, my heart, my soul, the peanut butter to my jelly, the milk to my shake, the-," He was cut off by Louis, "Oi! I think she gets it you sap" he finished with a laugh. His accent was very prominent compared to Harry's accent that had a slight American twang to it. Harry kissed Louis' cheek and turned around to the oven to take out a tray of cupcakes. 

Kassidy licked her lips and narrowed her eyes to get a better look at them, "Those look delicious." "Would you like one? They're red velvet." Harry insisted and Kassidy couldn't say no. Harry took all of the cupcakes, placed them on a metal tray, and skillfully frosted each one. He slid the cupcakes in the display case but made sure to leave one cupcake out for their new friend. Louis starts talking, "We mainly just cook for ourselves. Business is never any good here. There are a lot of people living around us but they don't think sweets are very appealing... All anyone does around here is go fishing, be grumpy, eat the fish, sleep, repeat," Louis sounded slightly pissed. 

Harry placed his hand on shoulder to calm him down, "But we couldn't be happier. We're together, it's all that we need. Besides, it not like we can leave this island anyway." Harry becomes tense, no comfort visible on his face. Kassidy widens her eyes, "What do you mean that you can't leave the island?"her voice wavering. "Well have you seen any boats around here? You really made a terrible decision coming here, love." Louis stated staring directly into Kassidy's eyes. Kassidy was white as a ghost. Harry produced a warm smile,"Until a miracle occurs and we can all get off of this god forsaken island, we will happily let a lovely creature like yourself live under our roof...Ruel, show her up to your room, she'll be bunking with you." "Thank you so much, I do need to get my stuff from the boat I came here on though," Kassidy peered out the small, circular window that faced toward the long bridge. There was nothing except for that bridge, no sailboat, no nothing. 

"Speaking of that, do you by any chance know what happened to that said boat and the man driving it?" Kassidy was still oblivious. "We never know what happens to the boats. But a man dissapearing is new. This island has a mind of it's own I swear..." Louis breathes, "Wants to keep anyone and everyone who comes here." 

Once the conversation between Kassidy and Ruel's parents was over, everyone split off into their rooms for the night. Ruel opened the door for his room hesitantly, "This is where you'll be sleeping... I'll take the floor." Kassidy shook her head, "No, no, Ruel please... We can share a bed. I don't think my stay should have to interfere with where you sleep... That is if it's okay with you..." Ruel shrugged "I guess it should be alright." The two of them sat down on the full sized bed located in the corner of the basically empty room. Kassidy was the first to settle into the bed, back facing Ruel, "Goodnight. Tomorrow we'll have to find out how to get out of here." Her eyes closing and her voice becoming a whisper. Ruel jerked his head over to look at Kassidy like she was the craziest person to walk the planet, "You know there really is no way off of this island right? The last person who thought they could died trying. I do not want you to get killed! Please listen to me, it's best if you just stay here... with me...forever...Shit sorry I just met you today please forget I said anything..." By the end of his speech, Kassidy was already sound asleep. What Ruel didn't know, was that Kassidy heard every word.


Of course i had to make Harry "i used to work in a bakery" Styles a baker

Hope you liked it :)

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