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Kassidy walked cautiously upstairs to Ruel's room, nervous for what was to come. Each creaky step she took felt heavy. Her heart was pounding in her chest, she felt like she could faint. She felt like she could vomit, her breathing erratic. She finally reached his door. She slid her hand over the door knob and brought it back to her side. "Calm down Kassidy. You'll be okay. It's just Ruel." She whispered to herself. She reached for the cold door knob again and finally opened the door. 

Ruel was sitting on the bed looking down at the floor. "Ruel? Are you okay?" Kassidy stepped into the room, shutting the door behind her a little too hard. Ruel jumped, a little startled. "Do you want to talk?" Kassidy was still standing in the door frame. Ruel sighed a heavy sigh, "Kassidy, i'm sorry for being... like that... downstairs... I just don't want you to get hurt. If you ever did, I would feel like i'm responsible. I wouldn't know what to do with myself..." He rubbed his hands over his face while breathing heavily. Kassidy frowned, "Ruel it's alright. You're just trying to protect me." She shuffled over to the boy and sat down next to him, leaving some space for comfort. Ruel shifted so that he was sitting facing Kassidy. "Can I just-" What she didn't expect was for Ruel to hug her like his life was depending on it. Kassidy didn't know what to do. After a few seconds of processing what happened, she gingerly wrapped her arms around him and gently pet his hair as he hugged her waist, head on her chest. His dirty blonde hair was soft like feathers and she hadn't noticed the lighter strands. The soft pitter-patter of rain and the warmth of Ruel on her chest made her comfortable enough to bring Ruel in for a proper hug, chins on shoulders, arms wrapped around middles. Kassidy buried her face in his neck. He smelled something like oranges or vanilla. They pulled away, Kassidy not wanting to let go. They both looked better. "Do you want to go to the cliff on the other side of the island? It's passed the forest but it's my favorite spot." Ruel asked looking in Kassidy's eyes for an answer. "I would love to... So um... Do you think you have any clothes I could borrow or something? I don't want to wear these same clothes the whole time i'm here." Kassidy was a little nervous asking that question but Ruel started rummaging through his drawers. "I have this outfit from my dad, Louis. Must have been just a laundry mix up. Don't really know why it's in here to be honest. He's a bit small so I figure this would work." It was a grey sweatshirt with 2 stripes on each sleeve paired with black jeans. "This is perfect thank you. Do you have any where I can change?" "Down the hall there's a bathroom." Ruel pointed to the wall to show which direction. 

Kassidy left Ruels room and walked down the hallway. Down the hall she was met with a closed brown door. She jiggled the handle but it was locked. "Someones in here sorry!" A voice recognized as Louis' came from behind the door. "Sorry!" She walked back to Ruels room. The door was still open from when she left. She peaked through just in case he was changing. He was. His back was flexing deliciously as he pulled on his black sweater. There were dimples on the bottom of his spine. Kassidy had no idea why she found a back of all things attractive. He still had his blue pajama pants on. Kassidy should've looked away but she just couldn't. He stripped down his pants, leaving himself only in black boxers. Kassidy looked away guiltily. She thought, "what the fuck are you doing oh my god" shaking her head. She walked back to the bathroom that was now empty and changed her clothes. They fit her like a glove.

As she was heading out of the bathroom, she spotted Ruel at the end of the hallway by the stairs. He was still wearing the glasses he wore at breakfast, brown and black tortoise frames. "Come on before the weather gets too bad" Ruel gently grabbed Kassidy's hand and took her to the front door. His hand was soft, just like everything else on him. Downstairs Louis was drinking a coffee and reading an old newspaper, "Be back before sunset, darlings" Louis yelled as they went out the door.

 The journey through the town was very unsettling. It was dead silent except for the fact that it was raining. The forest wasn't any better. Kassidy clung to Ruel's arm the entire stroll through because she was convinced something was going to kill her. As they reached the end of the forest, Kassidy realized that the rain stopped. "Hey it stopped raining." she said out loud.  In front of her was a cliff that looked toward the ocean, the sun starting to set causing pink and orange colors to appear in the sky. There were white fluffy clouds and the water was a shimmering blue. Kassidy was amazed. "It doesn't rain over here. Strange isn't it? This is my spot. It's all mine" Ruel grabs a basket that was sitting on a nearby rock. "Wha- Did you bring me up here for a picnic? " Kassidy was blushing. Ruel pulled out a blanket that was in the basket and placed that basket on top of it. "I guess I did yeah" Ruel sat down and Kassidy followed. 

For hours they talked about their lives on and off the island. Kassidy talked about her photography career and her best friend Timothee. Ruel talked about his time on the island and his time before being stuck there. Kassidy cracked a few jokes that got Ruel laughing hysterically. She watched Ruel as he laughed, the crinkles by his eyes and the way he lit up was captivating. She thought for a moment and placed her hand on his cheek, Ruel slowly stopped laughing. Kassidy stared into Ruels beautiful eyes with Ruel looking back into hers. Before Kassidy got the chance, Ruel leaned in and placed a soft peck to Kassidy's lips. Kassidy was not satisfied so she leaned in once more for a proper kiss. Ruel placed his hands on her waist. It was like fireworks went off, like they were both floating, like they were the only two people in the world. Kassidy felt as if it was the sweetest thing she had ever felt in her entire life. His kiss was tender and so so perfect. They pulled apart and looked at each other. "It's only been two days and I think I already am in love with you... When you came to this island, you were a bright light. Before I laid eyes on you, It felt dark here, metaphorically and literally. Now that you're here, it feels like the sun is shining even though it isn't." Kassidy was swooning, "I came here looking for photographs but I ended up finding something better." They kissed once more until packing up the picnic and heading back to the bakery.

________________________________________________________________________________I feel like this might be going too fast but i still have a looooot to write. so it shouldn't matter lmao

this is definitely not my best chapter but i just felt like updating today twice. I'll fix it another day if this ever blows up which it probably won't eek

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