Ludiboy gets woman!

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    There was completely no one in Red Boar who ever thought that Ludiboy could get a woman. There were tonnes of reasons why. For one, he was too obsessed with gambling and drinking, that he could never possibly have time for a woman. Second, his house was always in a bad condition and everyone knew that such men did not stand a chance to get a decent wife. The only person who could have wanted such a nasty person, must be a desperate young gyal who had no ambition. And lastly, Ludiboy himself did not seem as if he wanted a woman. He always spoke ill of those men who were married or had a decent wife. He always saw women as another form of insignificance or even botheration, as he often called them. 

'Woman is stress', he told Capeverde once. 'If you make them come into your house, them start demand money for themselves, 'bout them want new clothes and shoes. And if  you nuh do what them want, them will poison you!' he had warned. 'What make you think that?' Capeverde had asked him. 'Then you no see how Eve did want poison Adam with the fruit?'

Capeverde nodded his head. 

' Is true' he stated as if he had just received enlightenment, pretending to agree with him, but he was actually off to look for Ms. Gracious who he desperately wanted.

       It was a Friday morning, and speaking of Ms. Gracious, this was the day in which she normally went about to the market to buy some pork for her cooking. On Friday mornings, the market was a very busy place and proved hard to get service since all the stalls were crowded with noisy country people, both selling and buying. In order to avoid all this racket, Ms. Gracious would wake up early, make some chocolate tea for herself and quickly march down the road to the market. These mornings were normally early, as early as 6:00! 

The morning breeze was usually strong and the trees danced and sang as the wind danced with and tickled their leaves. 

If you looked over at the Dolphin Head mountains, they were normally covered by a thick fog.

The mornings were so early that she seldom saw anyone on the roads. That was why when she stumbled upon a firm woman, she was moved.

The lady was sitting on a stone, with a small pretty-pretty bag by her side, and a goat with her, which she held with a rope. She wore a white frock and a dark and peach-coloured blouse. Her hand was fixed on her cheek and her face looked troubled.
The lady had dark complexion, with bright black hair and smooth skin. Her body was no neatly made that it was a wonder where she was from. Though she did not know her, Ms. Gracious could tell that she was much younger than she was.

       Despite all these beautiful features, the lady looked sad. Her legs were crossed, and her left arm was pressed on her cheek, while she was staring down at the ground. Ms. Gracious had never seen this woman about, and so, could tell that she was not from Red Boar or any of the other country communities around.

"Howdy, ma'am?" she called to her.

 The lady raised her head to see who was the person, greeting her. She looked up and saw a muscular Ms. Gracious, wearing a dazzling blue dress and a spectacular necklace, which she had gotten from Aunt Bev, when she was leaving. 

"Howdy, madam", the lady returned with a sorrowful tone. 

"Is why you face so mek-up, though, miss?" Ms. Gracious inquired. 

"Madam, me is not from 'round these parts. Me is from town", the lady told. 

"Then is how you reach so far?" Ms. Gracious quickly asked. 

"Madam, me lived with me father in town, but after me mother died a few months pass, him decide that me must leave and find new yard. So me was forced to pack up the clothes that me had and make me way to the bus stop. Me never knew where to go so me just catch the first bus there was and now it left me here. Me know me father never liked me, ma'am, but now me mother gone away and him send me 'way."

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