Bull party

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      Everyone in Red Boar knew the Gordons. Even though a majority of outsiders knew Ludiboy even more, there was hardly a soul who did not know of either Teacher Gordon or his feisty, Christian wife, Mrs. Gordon. One thing that everyone knew was that Teacher Gordon had a wife and a daughter, but no one knew of his son. That was until one Wednesday afternoon, while Ludiboy was on his way to one of his daily 'meetings'. He was walking in the usual manner, grinning from ear to ear and examining the woodlands on either side of the country road. He was nearing the Gordons' residence and that was when he saw a small motor car, no bigger than that of his cousin Guss, pull up into the yard and park there. Ludiboy was curious to know who was driving such a wonderful vehicle and what relation he had to the Gordons, since he pulled up at their house.
A few seconds after the vehicle had parked, a tall young man with a large black bag stepped out. He seemed to be about his late twenties or so, and wore a sailor's uniform, completed with a neat, white sailor's cap. He had a strong, dark complexion with ornamental eyes and smooth eyebrows. Everything he wore was white: his top, bottom, cap and even shoes were white. The only exception to this pattern were the two blue stripes that were on his top, running around the upper part of it.
Ludiboy slowed down a little to take in the picture of the man. He did not know him, nor had he ever seen him before. 

"Is who that?" Ludiboy wondered to himself. 

"Mama? Pappa?" the man began to call, directing his focus to the house. 

He called again and as soon as he finished saying 'papa', Teacher Gordon, Mrs. Gordon and their daughter, Bethany Gordon, rushed out of the house. Even though Teacher Gordon had left the house first, it was Mrs. Gordon who arrived earliest. She grabbed him and hugged him tightly, whispering something to him. Then Teacher Gordon hugged him, while Bethany tried to get a touch of her brother. Ludiboy continued to watch as the family hugged, kissed and complemented each other. It was then that Ludiboy realised that the young man must be Teacher Gordon's son, or nephew or something of that type.

He arrived at the conclusion that he must meet the man. He quickly began walking and when he was close enough, called out, "Teacher Gordon, oy?!" 

The family turned their focus to him. Mrs. Gordon and Bethany frowned as they came to understand who it was that was calling them. 

"Teacher Gordon, sar. G'd day to you", a smiling Ludiboy greeted.

 Teacher Gordon returned the greeting. 

"And who is this, sar?" he asked the elder, looking at the young, embellished man. 

Teacher Gordon began smiling as he was feeling proud to introduce his son. 

"Is me son, Zachariah. Him been living with him aunt in America, where he honestly served as a sailor, Ludiboy", the father bragged. 

Ludiboy quickly smiled and introduce himself as 'Ludiboy, the most well-known, respectable and virtuous man in Red Boar.' Zachariah smiled and shook Ludiboy's hand. Mrs. Gordon mumbled something bad about him to herself, which caused Ludiboy to look in her direction, giving her an unpleasant look.

Mrs. Gordon and her daughter took Zachariah's bags and headed inside, while the three men stayed outside on the varendah, to talk.
Just then, an energetic Ms. Gracious began to come around the road, dressed in what seemed to be some market clothing. She spotted the three men, especially Zachariah and hurriedly rushed into the yard to them.

 "Howdy, howdy?" she greeted. 

All but Ludiboy returned the greeting. 

"G'd day, massa Gordon. Is who the genkleman?" 

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