Ludiboy leaves Red Boar

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Most liked Ludiboy. He was entertaining, funny and sometimes of good spirit. It would be hard to imagine Red Boar without its star resident. Renggae and Capeverde themselves could not imagine their 'meetings' without the 'host.' Teacher Gordon himself also depended on Ludiboy to bring charcoal to his house on Saturday evenings, for his wife's baking.

No one thought that Ludiboy would ever leave Red Boar. He was born there, grew up there and intended to die there, among the friends he had had since his youth. Maybe under a mango or breadfruit tree that he had climbed many times over. Or even beside Pobo's shop where he had spent countless hours, drinking, gambling and cheating with his mates.

Everyone loved Ludiboy, everyone except Rasta Ozzy, who's hate for the unambitious gambler was growing stronger. The Rastafarian had began to come out more than usual, since Ludiboy left for Kingston, a few months back. He even began attending Pobo's shop more often, buying rum and smoking with the shop-owner. He told Pobo that they should communicate more since both were Rastafarians, and humble merchants. What Ludiboy did not know was that Rasta Ozzy had made it his sworn duty to go about Red Boar and convince its residents on how bad he was. 'Ludiboy is a thief! Him deserve to get kicked out o' here!' He would say. 'Him dog is a menace! Attack the little pickney them, and want to fight off the unbiased men of Red Boar.' There were those like Donald and Mrs. Gordon who agreed with the Rastafarian, saying that they had long had their suspicions of him and that they too thought that he was the culprit behind the animal thefts.

Rasta Ozzy decided to try and convince Maas Joe and Ms. Venny, since they were the two residents who Ludiboy targeted the most. Ms. Venny had a personal vendetta against the Rastafarian and so was tentative towards him when he tried to persuade her about Ludiboy. When he realised that she would not believe him, Rasta Ozzy gave up and made his way up the hill, to where the ever-working Maas Joe and his wife lived. He found the farmer on his varendah sharpening his machete slowly and easily.

"G'd day mass Joe, sar?" Rasta Ozzy greeted, putting his right hand to the side of his forehead, saluting. 

"Blessed day, Ozzy", Maas Joe returned, seeing that it was him. 

"Sar, you still looking for that thief that t'iefed your animal them?" Rasta Ozzy questioned, trying to sound helpful. 

"Is who?!" Maas Joe rose up, holding his machete threateningly

"Calm down, sar. Me know is who but we gonna have to trap him---" "who the thief be, man? Just tell me let me deal with him t'iefing-self", Maas Joe demanded from Rasta Ozzy, with and eager tone. 

Rasta Ozzy took a seat on Maas Joe's railing and told him how he highly suspected Ludiboy of being the culprit. Maas Joe was doubtful but still listened. Yet when Ozzy had finished, Maas Joe had been fully convinced that the simple gambler that they all called Ludiboy was more than just an alky and a gambler. He now bought that he was a crook as well!

Rasta Ozzy had all the Red Boar residents believing. He returned home and thought hard. By the next day, he had found a way. He knew that Ludiboy enjoyed the mangoes that grew up the road, close to where the river ran, and that as of recently, the man would bring a crocus bag and climb the tree, packing the straw-knit bag until it seemed a sit would burst and let out. Then the man would climb back down with the crocus bag attached to him and have his fill of the mangoes.

Those were Lady mangoes, and they were exceptionally sweet.
Apart from lady mangoes, Ozzy knew also that Ludiboy was a lover of freshly cooked foods and had no problem eating from people. He thought of how he could use that against him. A few minutes of critical thinking and 'meditation' and he came up with an idea. Ozzy decided that he would wrap a piece of corned pork in a brown bag. He would also place a large Dush-pot over two blocks that had fire sticks between them and provide seasonings and a knife. This was to encourage Ludiboy to make a small cooking for himself. Rasta Ozzy predicted the possibility of Ludiboy giving in to the food setting. It was high, as Ludiboy loved meat, especially pork (another reason why Ozzy hated him).

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