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{Few Weeks Later}

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{Few Weeks Later}

Chloe woke up 3 hours after getting hauled away by guards, she found herself back in her room in factory station. She was lying on the cold metal floor, her guard ID was ripped off her uniform as she was to be suspended and on room arrest for a few days. After her suspension was over, everything returned back to normal. Normal ... without Octavia or Bellamy. Chloe hadn't seen Bellamy ever since the disaster at the masquerade dance. After her suspension was over, she searched everwhere for him. For many days, and yet still no trace of him. This even led her to assume that he got floated with his mother, as he's not allowed in lockup because he's over the age of 18.

Chloe constantly worried about Bellamy and his where abouts during her watch hours as a guard. She heard many rumors that Bellamy got kicked off as a guard and his mother got floated for committing the crime of having a second child from several inspectors, which was understandable but she still decided to ask Seargeant Miller to confirm the rumors. They were true.

After another lousy day of watch, she was walking back to her room when she saw the older Blake's curly hair at the end of the hallway. Obviously, Chloe sprinted towards him, calling out his name over and over again. It did seem like Bellamy had been avoiding her this whole time as he didn't turn around when he heard the younger girl call out his name repetitively. Once Chloe had caught up to him, she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Bellamy." She panted, still trying to catch her breath from the sprint.
The older Blake still dared not to look at the younger girl.
"Avoiding me isn't going to help solve this issue." Chloe declared, trying to connect eyes with the older boy.
"Issue? Is that what you call it! My mother is dead and my little sister is rotting in a cell, BECAUSE OF YOU." Bellamy finally had the strength to speak up and look at the younger girl that now had her jaw dropped and was in a state of shock.
Chloe gulped and clenched her jaw, grinding her teeth together, she squeezed her eyes shut, covering them with one of her hands.
"I- this is my fault? You decided to take her to that stupid dance!" She couldn't believe what she was hearing,
He did nothing but hand Octavia to the guards with barely any hesitation.
She rolled her eyes at him,
"All you care about is saving your own ass." Chloe scoffed and walked away from the older Blake that just remained in the same spot watching the younger girl walk off into the distance, the only sound between them being the faint sound of footsteps marching against the ark floor.

{Several Days Later}

Bellamy woke up to the sound of psychotic banging on his door. He'd barely gotten any sleep since Octavia's arrest, trying to figure out ways to find her. He hadn't talked to Chloe ever since the incident that happened about a week ago, thats why he was stunned to see the younger girl on the other side of his door. He just stared at her for a few moments not saying any words.

"Um, earth to Bellamy?" Chloe waved a hand over his eyes, urgently trying to grab his attention.
Bellamy snapped out of his odd trance, blinking several times.
"I found a way to get to Octavia but only for 5 minutes." She continued talking about her plan, completely ignoring Bellamy's requests to speak until she was done.
"Why are you helping me?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Oh right, you think I'm helping you. No way. I'm doing this for Octavia, not you." She crossed her arms over her chest, looking up at the older boy with curly hair.
"Ok then ... why?" Bellamy ushered the younger girl into his room, as he saw a passing guard. Chloe walked in, shutting the door behind her as she sat down on Bellamy's bed,
"Because. She doesn't deserve this at all, and I figured, seeing her brother might help her. Wow, look at that. Looks like I am helping you. Now you owe me a favor." She couldn't help but smirk at the shocked look that washed over Bellamy's face.
"See u at 8 then." With that note, Chloe walked out of Bellamy's room and back to her own.


Chloe was waiting at the place where her and Bellamy used to train as cadets. She fiddled with her fingers, constantly checking her watch every 2 seconds. Her eyes wandered around the hallway, checking to see if Bellamy was close. After several minutes the curly-haired boy showed up.

Chloe frowned tapping her foot on the ark floor.
"You're late. Now hurry, the more time we stall the less time you could have with Octavia." The plan Chloe had in mind, was really risky. She had been on watch for the prison station 2 days a week and caught onto something very interesting. Every night at 8:15 pm, the guards took longer to switch positions, which means there is a longer gap between switching times. Normally during other switching hours it would take 2 minutes but every night at only 8:15 the switching time would take 7 minutes. This left 2 minutes for the two older kids, Bellamy and Chloe to get into the prison station and unlock Octavia's lockup cell and 5 minutes for the two siblings to talk. There would normally still be one guard on the hallway to Octavia's cell, as the other's switched he stayed.

The two kids watched as Chloe's watch struck 8:15 and they began to notice guards switching, after the coast was clear, Chloe pulled out a bobby pin and jammed it into the door, wriggling it until she heard a faint click and the door slid open. She smiled in victory, before Bellamy grabbed her arm and pulled her. As the got to a corner, as Chloe had expected, the one guard was there with his arms crossed, pacing down the hallway. Using hand signals, rather than talking she indicated Bellamy to stay here while she took care of the guard as she was the better combat fighter out of the two.

When the guard had his back turned, Chloe crept up close to him grabbing the front of his throat as he struggled, trying to grasp out of her tight grip. Using her thumb, she pressed into the side of his throat. She pinched down on his carotid arteries, that way she could get him to be light headed and pass out. She carefully sat the guard against the wall, once he had passed out. Chloe called out to Bellamy to get him to hurry up and unlock Octavia's cell. As soon as the cell unlocked, Chloe saw the faint shadow of a girl that almost immediately ran into Bellamy's arms.
"How did you.." Octavia's voice trailed off, when she saw the still guard sitting up against the wall, unconscious.
"Did you..?" The younger Blake looked over at Chloe who was standing behind Bellamy.
A smile curved onto the brunette's lips as she pulled Chloe into a tight hug.
"He's not dea-" Chloe cut in, pulling the younger girl into a tight embrace.
"No, Collateral damage." She lightly chuckled, as she reluctantly pulled away from the embrace.
"Hm, impressive." Octavia replied with a toothy grin.

Just as Octavia was about to talk to Bellamy about a few things a huge siren went off interrupting the two sibling's reunion.
"Oh shit, run Bellamy!" Chloe yelled, trying to get her friend to hear her voice over the loud sirens.
The lights around the cell flashed a blinding red light. She watched as the two siblings hugged each other once more before Chloe slammed the cell door shut after Bellamy ran off into the hall towards the exit. Chloe crossed her fingers, hoping he didn't get caught, she turned around to see the same guard as before still passed out. Seeing the exit, she sprinted towards it, before barrelling into none other than Major Byrne.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here- ladies and gentleman." Major spoke up, as the two surrounding guards locked Chloe's hands up in handcuffs.
"Don't think this is very shocking." The younger guard scowled.
A few other guards walked over to the two ladies, saying that a guard named Hardy had been knocked out directly infront of Octavia Blake's cell.
"Take her away!" Major demanded.
"but this time..." The older guard trailed off and sneered.
"Make it a cell, far far away from her girlfriend.... miss Blake." Chloe glared at the Major as she got dragged away by several guards as one wasn't enough to pull her away just yet.
"GO FLOAT YOURSELF" She yelled at the older guard as she loosened her footing on the metal floor, to be dragged away to her new cell with ease.

Bσσ ƙ O ɳҽ                                                                 @ ᴛᴀᴠɪʙʟᴀᴋᴇ | ɪɴꜱᴛᴀɢʀᴀᴍ

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