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I prefer being in the dark

rather see the light,

for in darkness I can hide.

I can hide the sadness

lurking in my eyes.

I can hide the broken heart

suffering just to be alive.

I can hide the pain

without putting up a smile.

I can hide myself

without the aid of a mask.

I can be the person which I truly am.

I can be at peace.

I can hide from those people

faking that they care.

I can hide from people

whom they call themselves as "friends" of mine.

I love being in darkness,

for in darkness there is silence.

For in darkness, you won't be able to fake yourself,

being a person, you are not.

I love the deafening silence within myself

than the awkward silence within people.

I love darkness

for in darkness there's you.

I have you whom I can follow.

I'm always willing to be in the dark with you, enjoying every moment we have

than be in light and be a person I am not,

be a person the world would judge.

I want to be with you... so please take me.

Hold unto me.

Cries at MidnightWhere stories live. Discover now