Chapter VII- Section I

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Harry led Draco into the classroom, grinning. "I can't believe that, four days ago, you told me that we were going to do this three days ago," Draco grumbled as Harry pulled him along.

Harry snorted with laughter. "You might do well to remember that you were the one who told me that, Draco, because I wasn't the one who said it first."

Draco scowled at him. "No, but you were the one who said it second. That means that the blame's on you." Harry playfully flicked him on the shoulder.

Draco yelped. "Hey!"

"Seriously, guys?" That was Ginny, who was sitting on top of one of the desks, holding hands with Luna. They had started officially dating that morning, after the Gryffindor-Hufflepuff Quidditch match. Luna had run up to Ginny, who was exiting the field, and they kissed right there in front of the rest of the school; afterward, they had gotten lots of furtive, skeptical glances shot their way that died down just as quickly as they started up. It didn't matter though, because those stares hadn't been the only thing that the two had received.

Dean and Seamus came up to them and said that they knew that it would happen someday and that they wished they had enough courage to announce it to the entire school that they liked each other. After that, Ginny had spontaneously invited them to come for the game, and they had agreed.

"So... where are the others?" Draco inquired, pursing his lips to hold back the insults that had been a habit for four years. Lately, he'd been trying to cut back on all the horrible practices that he'd slipped into during his depressed/angry/bipolar period, which meant that he had to watch his mouth much better.

"They're coming. Hermione wouldn't miss this if someone promised to deliver the entire Hogwarts Library to her house, minus the Restricted Section, of course, and we all know that she'll bring Pansy along with her. As for Ron, I'm pretty sure he'll come to this. Dean and Seamus as well," Luna replied. "Also, could one of you lock the door?"

"That's good. Also, sure." Harry went to shut the door as he watched Draco sit down and lean against the wall as he twirled a short strand of white-blond hair around his fingers. He's so pretty.

As he was admiring this, Luna's voice suddenly broke through his thoughts. "Oh! Dean and Seamus are here!" Luna exclaimed. She popped up from her seat to get the door. As she opened it, Dean and Seamus came in as expected, but so did the other three.

"Hi," Pansy greeted them as she walked through the door. "Congrats on winning the match this morning. You two," at this point, she nodded towards Harry and Ginny, who were sitting across from each other, "flew extremely well. I was impressed by how you caught the Snitch, Harry."

Harry looked over at Dean and Seamus, who were sitting on the floor, awkwardly holding hands, and then at Ginny and Luna, who were chatting with Hermione, Pansy, and Ron about the match. "Okay," he said. "Do you guys want to start, now that we're all here?"

"Sure," Ron replied.

Deamus nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah."

Harry glanced around the room. "So, we're all in agreement, then?" He checked. Looking into each one of their faces, he made sure that each one of them nodded before continuing. "I'm going to go ahead and set some ground rules. During this game, there will be nothing illegal, nothing inappropriate, you can back out of anything that is past your limits, or makes you uncomfortable, and there will not be any forms of bullying or being rude. Also, what happens here stays here." He said that last sentence with a teasing smile, and then announced, "Let's start. I'll go first." He turned to Ron and smiled. "Truth or dare?"

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