Alternate Ending-Alternate Part VII

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I can't believe it. Harry Potter just kissed me. (Or I kissed him; it doesn't matter much to me right now.)

What's more, this all started as a dare.

We were (finally) having our truth-or-dare game, and Harry had just dared me to tell him my craziest secret. So I leaned in, told my cheeks to tone it down, and confessed.

"Harry," I whispered, "there's- there's a..." Gods, I was already stuttering. I decided just to let it out. "Harry, I know this might sound weird, but there's a freckle on your cheek that I've wanted to kiss since last October."

He laughed, that high tenor laugh that makes me want to smile every time I hear it. Before I knew it, his arm was tightening around my shoulders, and he was bringing his other arm up and wrapping it around my waist as he pulled me closer. "Go ahead," he said softly, laughter still in his voice. "I don't mind."

So I did. I kissed it. (Who knew that a freckle could make someone look so cute?) I kissed it, and at one point, my lips must have found their way to his because I was practically sitting in his lap and kissing him when Pansy tapped my shoulder.

"Can you just hurry up and propose so we can move on?" she said, a smile in her voice. I didn't particularly want to let go, so I kept my arm around his shoulders as I turned to face the group again.

"So, Harry," Ginny started in that infuriatingly light voice of hers, "I assume you've found your date for the Yule Ball?" She was being a bit sarcastic, but Harry didn't seem to pick up on that.

"I guess so," Harry said. "If Draco agrees, of course."

"I'm right here, you know."

Ask him, Pansy mouthed at me. I rolled my eyes at her, mostly because I didn't need her managing both my mental health and my love life. But I did it anyway. Otherwise, I would have regretted it.

Well, I'm about to do it.

We're at lunch now. I'm going to do it when we walk out. My plan is this:

1) Take his hand

2) Kiss him

3) Ask him to go with me (or let him do it), and

4) Let the rumours spread.

From where he's sitting with Ron and Hermione, he gives me a little thumbs-up.

Well, then. Let's go.

Truths and DaresOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant