Chapter 1- The Beginning

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"Hey, thanks. You really saved my ass," you breathe, sprinting alongside the mysterious woman who just freed you from a prison cell. "Quick question, though. WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL IS GOING ON?!"

"There will be time for explanations later! Right now, we need to focus on getting out of here. The Hackers will be on us in a matter of seconds!" She shouted back.

"Hackers?! As in.. the ones who put malware on your computer and all that crap?" You asked. Seriously, what was happening?

You tried to remember everything you could.

It was the year 89¥01£. You were 19, and living alone. You had decided to take a walk. The streets were filled with flying cars. That thought always bothered you slightly. They made floating cars. Not flying cars. This way, no one could recklessly fly all about. Why take away the wheels, then? Just because they could? It was too late to question it by now. They had already invented them thousands of years ago anyways.

History books say that once, there had been many countries. Now, there were only 3. You had lived in the second largest- İkinci. The largest was Birincisi, and the smallest was Kiçik. Although, Kiçik wasn't small at all. None of them were. It was just the third largest.

You had been walking nowhere. You were only walking.. well, just to walk.

By the time you wanted to go back home, it was around noon. You had turned down an alleyway. It was a shortcut to your house. You had heard footsteps behind you, felt a sharp jab in your neck, and then everything went black.


"...and then I woke up here.." you whispered to yourself, still running alongside the stranger.

"What?" She asked, almost out of breath.

"Nothing! How long are we running for?" You asked, getting tired yourself.

"Behind here!"

You made a turn and you hid behind a large pillar with the girl.

"Hey, I don't want to be rude, but who the hell ARE you??" You asked, panting.

"The name's Luna. You're y/n, right?"

"Nope! I'm not, actually, so if you could kindly be a good Samaritan and get me home, that'd be-"

"Oh, shut up," she rolled her eyes and tossed you a gun. You'd seen pictures of old-timey pistols- ones from as far back as 2020! You'd also seen pictures of these futuristic guns. You would have never thought you'd ever hold one.

"Uh.. what's this for?" You asked, not knowing how to even hold the damn thing properly.

"Lord Almighty.. look at how I'm holding it! Okay? Copy that with your hands. We're gonna shoot some bitches."

"So... you want me to kill people?"

Suddenly, a laser punctured a hole straight through the pillar just above your head.

"These aren't people. Oh, and just a word of advice, don't get shot," she said as she fired intensely towards what you could only assume were the "Hackers" she was talking about. You took a peek through the hole.

There were hundreds, maybe even thousands, of robots shaped like people. They didn't have skin or anything to make them look human. They were just in the shape of them.

"All we want is y/n! We'll let you go, girl. Just hand them over, and you're free!" A voice rang out enthusiastically. You looked over at Luna. Her face looked annoyed and had a slight trace of fear.

"The Developer," she muttered.

"Seriously? Is every single name of these things related to some form of technology?" You whisper-yelled.

Firing from the other side stopped Luna from responding. You were fighting back as best you could, but it was impossible to defeat all of them with just you two. You analyzed your options. You could either make a break for it, or stay there and try to fend them off.


What will you do?

- If you choose to try to escape, go to Chapter 2.

-If you choose to stay and try to beat them all, go to Chapter 3.

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