[Chapter 1]

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Hello uhh, I just wanted to say before you start this is my first proper fanfiction so don't judge too harshly if anything seems off. I do have experience as I write a few short stories for myself but if anything seems a bit out of character I'm sorry :/ I'll try to update as regularly as I can! and I will try to stay as close to the character as possible. if you have any feedback please tell me so I can reference for further chapters~

I want the interaction to seem realistic so there's not much romance until maybe chapter 4. this is a Non-Despair AU and its basically a normal school. they are all still ultimate and are their in-game character.

enough rambling on please enjoy!


Kokichis POV.

I stare at the ceiling of my dorm knowing I have another day of school ahead of me. Ew. I've always hated school, no one there liked me, I was too 'childish' and 'stupid' to be any fun I guess. But that's ok. I've managed fine without friends for a while, most of my school life! Maybe I was a bit too enthusiastic for a statement like that.

But of course, I still have my family. They're the bestest friends I could ever have. It's a shame I had to leave them by themselves for a while as I live here on campus. They better not make too much trouble while I'm gone.

Reluctantly, I sit up with a yawn. I turn to my clock on my bedside table. "OH SHI-" I yell panicked. Arghh I'm gonna be late again.

I hastily change into my white uniform, I quickly tie my checkered bandanna around my neck and quickly brush my hair with my fingers, thank god it wasn't too messy, and I think that's about it. I grab my books and run out of my dorm, slamming the door behind me.

Rantaros POV.

I'm walking around the school looking for the class I had been assigned, this is my first day at a new high school, filled to the brim with other ultimates I've never met before. I'm quite lucky to of gained the title 'Ultimate Adventurer', but I'm excited to meet other students with different talents of their own, reflecting their achievements as a person.

I hear the bell, signalling that it's time for the first period to begin. I have no idea where in the school I am and I can't find anyone to ask. Damn, I'm already late to my first class ever. Great way to go Rantaro-

I hear a quick tapping noise behind me, as if someone were running. As I turn around to see what it is...

"gAAH-" *thud*

I fall back after the person ran into me. He was a small, purple-haired boy with purple eyes. His outfit was unique, I wonder who he is.

"Ah shit I'm sorry-" the boy said, holding his head with one hand and trying to pick up his books with the other

"Are you ok? Would you like some help?" I ask him, struggling to pick up the books with one arm.

"N-Nah I'm fine... I just didn't see you standing in the hallway, I was running away from the bomb." He said looking up at me

"The what?" I said astounded

"That was just a lie." He said immediately after, thank god... "I'm late for class, I don't need any help though... wait who are you again?" He took his hand off of his head as he asked me who I was.

"Again..? Oh, we haven't met before, I'm Rantaro Amami. I just got here" I say, standing up. "I'm kokichi Ouma~" the boy says still sitting on the ground, in a completely different mood. I hold out my hand to help him up. He grabs it immediately and jumps up from his fallen position. "Thanks taro~" He says, with a smile. What's with the nickname? I've never been called taro before.

"Now that you're up.." I begin "do you know where class 2-B is?" I question him, "I'm a bit lost.."

The boy sighs and grabs my hand and begins to lead me to the end of the hallway, where stands a door, "right here taro!" He lets go of my wrist and continues "I'm a bit surprised why you didn't see this already though," He begins, "it's a little bit obvious." Yeah it was, wasn't it? "Thanks-" I manage to say before he cuts me off, "don't worry bout it, anyways I gotta rush, I'd be in trouble if I'm any later!!" The boy begins to sprint again, hopefully he doesn't run into anyone else. He seemed nice, I would like to be friends with him hopefully. I say as I step into class.

[668 words]

sorry the chapter was so short, the next one is longer because I wrote them both at once. hope you are enjoying it so far!

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