[Chapter 2]

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I'm not gonna ramble on this time so just enjoy chapter 2~


Kokichi's POV

The bell rang signalling the end of class. I'm slumped over my desk, head resting on my arms, basically asleep. I barely got any rest last night, I really was not ready for the day. I was lucky to leave here with a warning slip, I can't be this late again or I'll get a detention. Oh well, it's lunch anyways. Maybe I can try and talk to them again? Hopefully they don't ignore me this time.

I lazily sit up from my seat, and notice everyone has already left the classroom. And after picking up my things, so did I.

"Heeeeeeeyyyy!!!!" I wave at the group, who all reluctantly turn around to face me. "Hello Ouma.. what do you want?" The tall purple haired boy said to me, "Yeesh Kaito, no need for the harsh tone." I roll my eyes "aaaanyways, I was wondering if I could hang out with you guys today, shumai said I could yesterday~" I turn my head and look at the quiet blue-haired boy "I didn't- huh?" He stutters as he looks at the two "please?? Pretty please??" I look at Kaito and Shuichi, ignoring maki "no. Why would we." Jeez, maki was such a buzzkill "well that was a bit harsh wasn't it." I cross my arms and look at her. "Did I stutter?" Her harsh tone made me flinch a bit, I took a deep breath and continued "fine then. I'll go hang out with mys-" my line was cut off by someone...

Rantaros POV

I managed to get through my classes alright, I was a bit embarrassed I was late the first day though... that's not important. Maybe I can find someone to befriend, there was this mysterious looking male in my class, I haven't talked to him yet but he sure seems cool, and there's kokichi, the boy who accidentally ran into me on his way to class. I wonder how he's doing?

I walk out into the hallway mindlessly. I hear a small amount of back and forth going on at the end of the hallway, it's none of my business anyway. I continue to walk down said hallway, unfortunately, closer to the argument. I saw 3 students standing next to each other, talking to someone. There was a tall, strong-looking purple-haired male, who for some reason is wearing slippers, a shorter, blue-haired male who was wearing a black cap and seemed to be a bit confused in the situation, then there was a rather frightening girl, she had long brown hair in two low ponytails by her side, she was shorter than the others but was around average height. I sighed as I continued to walk, all until I heard s familiar voice. "Is that..?" I turn around to the group to see the three irritated students listening to a short, purple-haired boy say something. This boy, however, I knew. "Hello kokichi, are you all good?" I say to make sure nothing is about to escalate, he looks up at me with his purple eyes, "Taro! I'm alrighty over here with my buddies!!" He says "we aren't your 'buddies' Ouma," the girl said harshly, "what? You aren't? Why not?" Kokichi seemed surprised at the statement "I'm sorry kokichi, maybe another day" the blue-haired boy looks at kokichi and then at me. "Do you know him?" He asks "not well," I replied, "We ran into each-other today by accident, I'm new here, names Rantaro." I hold out my hand for the blue-haired male to shake, which he does after some hesitation "Shuichi Saihara.." He says "I'm Kaito Momota, luminary of the stars!" The tall man said "this is Makiroll" he looks at the girl who is eyeing me down sharply "my name is maki Harukawa." She says looking at Kaito "anyways we were leaving now, weren't we?" She looked at the other 2 males before walking off "maki wait up-" Kaito said leaving shortly after "nice to meet you rantaro, but I gotta go now-" Shuichi said before following the other two. Wonder what they were on about with kokichi.

"Meanies.." kokichi says, pouting with his arms crossed. "I just wanted to hang out with them for once, but stupid maki or Kaito won't let me" He continued. "Would you like to hang out with me instead?" I ask, "unless you have other fr-" "yes please!!!" His eyes light up, "no ones ever asked me to hang out with them before, I'm pretty cool yknow~" that's....kind of sad. "You seem cool to me" I respond honestly, he has such an interesting persona, I'd love to get to know him better.

But little did I know, our accidental friendship will turn into something even I didn't expect. Nor did he...

Kokichis POV

"Sooo." I say, sitting on the benches with taro, "you've never told me your talent!" I'm excited to know what he does, he's super chill, but really awesome. He's like...the ultimate awesome person, the ultimate epicly friendly person. "I'm the ultimate adventurer" WOAH. That's way better than an ultimate awesome person "that's really epic." I say, my eyes widened "I'm the Ultimate Supreme Leader! I run an evil organisation with over 10,000 members! Nishishi~" I put my finger to my lips as I said that, rantaro seemed surprised "Woah. That's...a lot of people" did he actually believe that? sigh, I should at least tell him most of that was a lie, "I'm just kidding, that was a lie~ I still run an organisation, it's just more fun and pranks than murderrr and explosionssss" I explain,

"Even if that's the case that still sounds fun."

"It is! I love my members, they're like family to me~" Rantaro is awesome, I'm pretty glad I ran into him this morning, pun intended~~

Rantaro and I talked about ourselves basically all of break. And that's a lot of talking. To be completely honest. Rantaro is the only person who's ever been this nice to me before, I really enjoy hanging out with him.

*time skip*

It's the end of the day, and I'm glad I've been able to make a friend, I head back to my dorm and flop on my bed, I should probably get to sleep soon, I don't wanna be late for class again tomorrow, and I wanna see Taro again!!!

I slowly doze off, events of today playing back through my head on repeat. 

[1062 Words]


hah, I told you this one was gonna be longer.

I... love you! [Oumami]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt