New job?

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Izuku walked out to where the physical exam was taking place. He looked around at the other examinees. He saw many people preparing for the exam, using their quirks, hyping themselves up, or just talking to other examinees. He saw the girl that caught him before he fell and wanted to say thanks again. He started walking over before he was blocked by the blue haired boy from the exam explanation. “I can not allow you to distract her. She is preparing for the exam.” Izuku backed up and just waited for the exam to start.

“GO!” Izuku was off, he wasted no time and grabbed his book and started to flip through pages. “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! THERE’S NO COUNTDOWN IN A REAL FIGHT!” Mic shouted at the other contestants. Everyone else bolted. Izuku was already somewhat ahead. He found a spell for metal manipulation. He ran into a small ally and quickly made the spell. Once it was done he ran out and compacted a few robots.

About 30 minutes passed and Izuku had 60 points. The exams were almost over. Izuku was walking around until he heard a rumble. People ran away from it, they almost trampled Izuku. He waited for everyone to pass then quickly ran to where it was coming from. “Damn.” Izuku looked up, “That’s a big ass robot.” He looked at it for a second then heard a scream. He scanned the area. There was a girl trapped under debris right in the robot's path. Izuku quickly ran up and pulled her out from the rubble. He quickly put her to the side and looked the robot up and down. “That thing is too big for me to crush.” Izuku ran up and crushed the robot peacefully. First the arms, then one of the(...)legs(?). It fell lopsided on an empty building. He crushed half of its face. The robot shut down. Izuku walked over to Uraraka. “Hey. You okay?” He held out his hand as she grabbed it. Izuku pulled her up, “I’m okay, thanks to you.” Izuku looked at her leg. “It looks sprained.” The alarm rang signaling the end of the exam. “Come on. They probably have a nurse.” He supported Uraraka as she walked on one leg.

Once Izuku handed off Uraraka to the nurse he headed back home. He couldn't wait to go home and finnish his chapter book. As he was walking home, he passed his favorite store. He paused as he looked through the window. They just got a new shipment in and Izuku would be damned if he didn’t get first look.

He walked into the store and looked around. A girl walked out of the back holding a large box, “Hey Izuku! How’ve you been?” She asked as she fumbled to set the box down. Izuku turned around and smiled. “Hey Emma, (I’m not creative) I’ve been good. What’s new?” Emma smiled and opened the box. Izuku walked over and helped her unpack it. “Well, it looks like: tea, herbs, crystals, books, and some charms.” As she pulled out the items she handed them to Izuku. He looked over the items from the box.

The 2 chatted for a while as Izuku browsed. Once he was finished, he went to check out. “Oh, by the way, there's a job opening. I thought you should be the first to know.” Izuku's eyes widened, “That would be awesome!” Emma laughed and pulled out an application, “Why do you want this job?” Why do you think you are suited for this job?” What would you say your best interests are?” Emma listed questions one after the other as Izuku answered them all.

Emma wrote something down on the form and put it away. She closed her fists and quickly opened them as confetti came out. “Congrats! You just got your first job!” The two laughed, “Here’s your stuff. Your first shift starts in a week.” Emma smiled as she handed Izuku a bag full of items. “Thanks Emma. I’ll see you next week.” Izuku smiled as he left.

He couldn't wait to tell his mom.

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