13 haphephobia.

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haphephobia - the fear of touching, or being touched.

being squeezed between his mother and his newest friend was definitely not jungkook's hobby.

with his father and older brother in the front of their old pickup truck, the other three had to pile into the back. jungkook's mother sat on his left with taehyung on his right, forcing him to pull his shoulders together uncomfortably.

luckily for him, the drive-in theatre was not far away. in fact, it was only ten minutes in the car, just on the outskirts of the town.

"so, taehyung. what are you studying?" jungkook's mother asked, forcing the young boy to zone back into the conversation.

"um. i'm studying art, media and math." taehyung smiled at her, instantly nervous at the thought of talking to jungkook's mother. "i- i was going to do law, but i thought math would be better for me."

jungkook looked at him, his face blank until he locked eyes with him. "i couldn't imagine you as a lawyer."

the elder smiled at him, more genuine this time.

"i bet you enjoy doing media, huh? what do you do?"

taehyung leaned forward slightly to look at the woman, playing with the earring dangling from his ear. "uh... right now, we're studying how different ethnic groups are portrayed." he bobbed his leg nervously. "we're also making an advertisement campaign. i'm doing mine for WWF."

jungkook's mother nodded approvingly, making her son smile to himself. she liked him.

once they parked in a random spot at the drive-in, they all piled outside and began to place blankets all over the bed of the truck. the family (plus taehyung) got in.

jungkook sat behind taehyung, leaning against the back of the truck. taehyung had his legs crossed, holding a dusted pink fluffy blanket.

"there aren't enough blankets for everyone." jungkook's father frowned slightly, looking at the assortment of blankets around them all.

his youngest son ruffled his hand through his hair gently. "i'll share with taehyung, it's fine."

taehyung turned his head to look at him, a small frown coming to his face. "how?" he motioned to how there was no room next to the young boy.

jungkook looked at his family, who were engrossed with the movie on the screen. "do you trust me?" he spoke quietly, placing his hands on taehyung's waist experimentally. the elder nodded quickly, feeling his face flush when he was pulled towards the younger.

the brunette wrapped his arms around the other, pressing his chest against his back. "is... this okay?" he asked quietly, resting his head on the other's shoulder.

outstretching his legs and relaxing into the younger's body, he nodded with a bright red tint to his cheeks.

holy shit are we cuddling oh my god we're fucking cuddling. calm down, tae. you're fine. everything's fine. it's not like the guy you lowkey have the most
lowkey crush on lowkey is cuddling you.

oh my god he fucking is.

taehyung let out the tiniest whine, covering his face with his hands.

"same." the younger laughed breathlessly, making taehyung shiver slightly at the feeling of his hot breath on the skin at his neck. "this is weird, huh.."

he shook his head quickly, turning his head towards him slightly. "no. i- i like it." he confessed, his hands holding onto jungkook's arms around his front.

"okay... good. i... i like it too." jungkook smiled to himself, pulling him closer a little more. as taehyung relaxed into his body, he nuzzled his face into the elder's neck.

the two sat like that for a while, enjoying each other's touch as the film played. taehyung's mind kept wandering to how jungkook's breath felt on his neck, then to how it would feel to have his neck kissed by him, how it would feel to kiss jungkook-


how it would feel to kiss jungkook.

his lips were always pretty and they looked so soft. he could only begin to imagine how he would kiss him, his hands running through his hair, both of them nervous and experimental...

i want to kiss jungkook.

"are you okay?" the elder heard from behind him, making him nod and look at the younger.

"yeah, i'm okay."

jungkook felt a little startled from how close they were - he hadn't realised until now. he simply stared at the elder, the rays from the array of streetlights surrounding them cascading onto his bruised face, a small smile coming to his lips.

holy shit he's so fucking close to me.

oh my god i forgot he has a fucking tongue piercing.

I CANNOT. i cannot.

"jungkook, come with me to grab some drinks, would you?" his mother interrupted their little 'moment', making taehyung whip his head back forward once more.

he groaned and nodded, unwrapping his arms from the boy in front of him and climbing out, stretching his arms. his mother began to walk, shoving her hands into her coat pockets.

jungkook followed her, the silver ball in his tongue showing as he pursed his lips against it.

"so, taehyung..." his mother looked at him for a moment, her leather knee-high boots scuffing against the dry grass. "he seems nice."

"i told you he was." he mumbled, kicking a large stone that he saw on the ground.

she stood in the line waiting to get to the stall. "i'm sorry for being so judgemental so quickly. i'm just scared, kookie." she spoke softly, ruffling his hair. he could feel her long nails scratching gently at his scalp. "you're seventeen. you shouldn't have to feel the way you do at your age."

jungkook sighed and looked up at his mother. she was a few inches taller than him, he always wished that he had her height. "i'm getting better..."

"are you ever going to tell me what happened that made you so upset?"

he shook his head, looking away - anywhere but at her. he could not tell her that he was in a relationship with a boy. the most she ever got was they were best friends and fell out.

the woman sighed, turning to the young girl at the stall.

"hey, mum?" jungkook spoke up once they began walking back to the truck. "would it be okay if i asked taehyung to stay over on the weekend?"

she thought for a minute, before looking at her son. "i'll ask your father. i don't have an issue with it. he seems very responsible."

jungkook held back the smile begging to show, his bunny teeth showing ever so slightly as he bit his bottom lip.

i finally have a friend, a best friend, who mother actually likes.

philophobia.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن