Chapter 5

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P.O.V Tris

Today the interviews would happen. I had to get again make-up but the interviews were not starting until after dinner. First, we had our first training. I got woken up at 6:00 AM. Had some time to put my training clothes on and did my hair in a ponytail. It was black shirts and pants with red and white stripes on the sleeves. It was short sleeve shirts and long sleeve pants. I went to the dining room. Rud was there already, I asked him were Zeke was. He told me that Zeke wanted to have breakfast in his room. I asked Rud why he was the only person that would help us. I saw that other tributes had 2 people to help them. Rud told that our mentor (a victor) was in the hospital because he tried to admit suicide. He was on time in the hospital. Why in the world would someone commit suicide?? I also wondered why Zeke had breakfast in his room. Would he be still mad at me?

After breakfast, Rud took us to the training hall. We weren't the first tributes. Some career were already there. I saw the boy from 2 that Tobias wanted as an ally. I wanted to go to him, but Zeke stopped me and he said: ''Tris, What the h*ll are you going to do??'' My answer was:'' Searching for good ally's!! You can't win the games on your own.'' He let me go and I went to the boy. I tried to make a good first impression and I introduced myself. He seems really nice and he introduced himself too. District 2, his name is Al. Al looks like a boy that is nervous a lot, but really sweet. I introduced myself too. I think he thinks I'm nice. After the explanation of the training, we could walk free from part too part. I started at camouflage. Al went with me I asked why he went with me and not with his district mate. He told me that he doesn't really like her, she is like that typical career. Her name is Cara by the way. Al warned me already for her because she is very fast and is good at throwing knives. I thanked Al for the advice. After 15 minutes Tobias and his district partner (I think her name was Jeanine) walked in. They seemed pretty late. Tobias left Jeanine alone and walked to us. He said:'' Sorry guys that I'm pretty late, but someone (and he pointed angrily to Jeanine) said that it was at 10:15, not at 10:00, but it doesn't matter anymore. We're here and it's okay. I see you 2 have found each other?'' Al and I nodded. Even though I wasn't an ally yet with Tobias it was the full training the 3 of us. I didn't really care what Zeke was doing. After the camouflage, we went practising with some weapons. I tried knives and bow and arrow. The knives went pretty good, but the bow and arrow were horrible. Al was a talent in bow and arrow and Tobias was good in multiple weapons like a trident, knives and more. He started to impress me, but not completely. After practising with weapons we went to survival skills. There you could learn how to make fire and stuff. At 12:30 we had lunch all together. Like with all the tributes. I went to Al and Tobias, we talked about our lives back home and stuff. I heard from Tobias that he volunteered for a disabled kid with down syndrome. That's really sweet from him. Al got reaped, but nobody volunteered. I thought that was a bit weird because I hear always from my parents that careers always volunteer. I didn't ask further.

After lunch, we practised for another hour and then we had to go back to our apartments. I took a shower. When I was finished Eric came in and started doing my make-up. Of course, the interviews were today! I almost forgot! Eric started with my hair. I got the same style as in the parade. For makeup he made my eyes light blue and putted mascara on my eyes. Made my lips red and then I could put my dress on. It was a long, light blue dress with long (but loose) sleeves. and light blue heels

 and light blue heels

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This was the dress ^. I really liked it! For jewellery, I received a necklace from Eric. It was a pearl necklace and pearl earrings. When I was finished Eric brought me downstairs. As in the waiting room. He told me that Zeke wasn't finished yet and that it could take a while. I was fine with it. I was one of the first. It still took an hour before the interviews would start. I was pretty nervous, After 10 minutes waiting the other tributes came. It were the tributes (female and male) from 1, 2,4 &8 I went to Al. He complimented me on my looks I thanked him and complimented him back. He was wearing a black and white suit with a tie. Then Zeke came he was wearing a light blue suit with a bow tie. He didn't seem to like it, because he pulled the bow tie off and kept it in his hands. I walked to him and said:'' I think our stylist wanted to match with colours. You look nice by the way!'' He thanked me and said also complimented me. Then finally as last tributes, Tobias and Jeanine came. What has those 2 with coming late? Is it something from the district? Tobias walked to us and Jeanine seemed pretty interested in Zeke and walked to him. When Tobias arrived by us he looked at me and said:'' Well, you're pretty. Your stylist is pretty smart because with this outfit you will impress people even more.'' I almost blushed I complimented him too, he was looking okay. When all the tributes were finished we had to stand in a row from district 1/12, first female then male. I was really nervous. The other tributes could see everything on the screens in the waiting room. Believe me, those heels I was wearing were killing me. They hurted pretty much. I got a bit of distraction by watching the interviews. Al was a natural talent. The audience loved him. He really is sweet, but this was also a weakness of him. I knew from him that he refused to fight. He didn't tell that on the interview but he told Tobias and me during the training. I'm happy for him that he as good friends like Tobias and me. many interviews later it was Tobias his turn. Caesar Flickerman the interviewer asked him a couple of questions about his district. Tobias seemed pretty relaxed, Caesar also started about Peter. Then it got a bit emotional, well for the audience. You heard everyone saying:'' Aww, That's so sweet..'' Stuff like that. Caesar also started about allies. On a big screen behind them, we saw videos during the training. I didn't know we got filmed, but you saw Al, Tobias and me together like all the time. Then Caesar started questioning:'' It doesn't happen often that a career is teaming up with non-careers, How could you persuade Al from 2 to be your ally? Tobias answered really easy:'' Al is a really nice boy, I already liked him since the moment we met. We are now really good friends.'' Caesar also asked about me:'' And know about Beatris from district 10, you 2 seemed during the training really close, so tell me. What's the deal between you 2?'' '''Well since the day I've seen her reaping I knew that Beatris is a really independent, confident girl. So when we first met I made a deal with her. If I could impress her in the upcoming days we would become allies, I don't know how far I am with impressing her, but I hope I can do it because Beatris is a really nice girl. and I really do want her in my team...'' I saw that Caesar was searching for words. Was this the reality that Tobias was thinking about me. That is just really sweet of him. I didn't know this side of him. 

After a couple of other interviews, it was finally my turn. I still was really nervous. I even almost fell on the stairs to the podium. I say almost! Everyone was clapping. It felt kind of natural on the stage, so the interview went really good. Caesar started asking questions about my home like about my family and friends. I told some information. about Caleb and my parents and about Tori and Will. Then Caesar also started asking questions about Al and Tobias, he also asked about the agreement I had with Tobias, I said:'' Tobias is right, we made that agreement, but I start to know that boy and I know he will not fail with impressing me. He and Al are both really sweet, it's not even that awkward being the only girl of our group.'' The interview was pretty fast finished. I got of the stage. When I got backstage again Rud came to me and hugged me and said:'' Sweetheart you did a brilliant job, I heard from some sponsors that they really like you!'' Then Tobias and Al came. Al hugged me, he thanked me for the compliment I gave about him. Then Tobias started talking:'' You really did a good job up there.'' The rest of the interviews I didn't really focus on.

When all the interviews were finished we got back to the apartment. I took my makeup of did the shoes and the dress in the closet. Put my pyjamas on ate a little food (before the interviews we already had dinner) then I went straight to bed. I was really tired and after being 10 minutes in bed I fell asleep.

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