Chapter 13

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P.O.V Tris 

When Tobias woke me up he said it was something like 3:00 AM I slept longer than Tobias would. I said: ''You had to wake me earlier, now you will have less time to sleep with me'' He answered with: ''It's not that big a deal, I'm not even that tired.'' I told him that he had to have some sleep. He listened to me. I gave him the hoodie and took the blanket he gave to me. I saw that he was trying to start braiding again. I continued his work. I think I wasn't being busy for an hour when I heard 2 cannons. I don't know why but I checked Tobias's heartbeat. What if he died in his sleep? But it was still beating. I wondered who died, would it be Zeke or Jeanine?? I hope it was none of them. 

When I saw the sunrise I woke Tobias and told him that in the time he was sleeping I heard 2 cannons. He had the same thought as me. What if it was Jeanine or Zeke.... Or both... We were still with 6 tributes so the chance was kind of big. When we wanted to have breakfast I saw that we didn't have water anymore. I think we all used it to clean Al his wounds. We had to go to the lake again. After walking an hour it fell like the game makers turned the temperature up like with 10 degrees. We were lucky that we had liquorice. It really did help. When we arrived at the lake we filled the bottles as fast as we could. Made the water clean and returned back to the cave. When we arrived at the cave we heard another cannon... If it went further like this the games would only take one and a half week or something. I really hoped that it wasn't Zeke or Jeanine. We stayed the whole day in the cave again. Had dinner and stuff. It was a peaceful day. Well for us, we didn't saw any tributes. At 8:00 PM we heard the anthem. We just had to go looking. The tributes that died today were: the boy from 3, the boy from 9. And the last one shocked us a lot. We saw the picture of Jeanine lighting up in the air... Jeanine died... I looked at Tobias. He was as shocked as me. She was really good in the games, even though her score... I pushed my lips on the middle 3 fingers of my hand and did my hand in the air. The 3 finger salute. It meant respect for people, we mostly used it for tributes from your district that died. I never did it for a tribute for another district. I had to do it for Jeanine. I didn't know her much, but she was the district mate of Tobias. Tobias saw what I did and did the same. We wanted to show that we are with Jeanine her family now. I thought that we had to do this for Al too. It was too late to still do it for him, but at least for him, we did the speeches. At this moment we were still with 5 tributes, the girl from 1, the girl from 5, Tobias, Zeke and me. 

(Author's note: Please don't hate this reading part. I still have got to practice with love scenes...)

The evening was weird. No one of us needed sleep. We didn't want to go to sleep. We sat at the really start of the cave with the blanket. The hoodie was in my backpack. We were watching stars and drinking some water when Tobias did something unexpected. Good unexpected... So we were watching stars and Tobias said:'' Uhm Tris, I gotta tell you something. I never really said this to someone, but Uhm...'' ''Just tell it, Tobias. We don't have forever. You can tell me anything. Just say it'' I said and he continued ''Okay, here we go. I... Love you...'' I was speechless. Tobias was in love with me... I swear you could hear my heart beating out loud now. I stared at him. What do I need to think about this you know? It was Tobias, sweet, awesome, cute, handsome him. Sh*t. I think I'm having a crush on him. The way I talk about him, the way I think about him. Wha- Wha-. ''So.. Uhm what do you think... You like me too?'' I was still kind of speechless. I never really felt this for a boy... It was still awkwardly silent. Then it happened. In the time I still was speechless Tobias go for it. He kissed me. It was a short, but great kiss. It was short because I stopped it. Tobias asked:'' What? Is there anything? You don't love me, do you? I feel so stupid right now... I'm so so sorr-'' I kissed him this time. ''Of course, I love you. I only don't think I realize it myself, but yeah... I love you...'' We kissed... again. Well, this was my first kiss. It was awesome. I could say this wasn't Tobias his first kiss. He was just awesome at it. Like it was natural or something. When we sat in the cave again I asked: ''Wait, I wasn't your first kiss, right? It doesn't matter but. yeah'' ''Well uh. To be honest, You're even the first girl I ever loved. So yes, you're my first kiss.'' Well, that was unexpected. Then our awesome, beautiful moment was over (ugh. I loved it) we heard something rustle in the leaves. A human. We heard him/her screaming:'' BACK OF 7!! SHE'S MINE!!'' I grabbed as fast as I could a flashlight we also found in the backpack of the boy from 1. I heard it already kind of in his voice. It was Zeke! Why the h*ll would Zeke say: ''She's mine?'' Before Zeke could do something to Tobias. I grabbed Zeke his arm and turned it. I knew it would hurt because he said: ''Tris stop! that hurts!'' I stopped but kept holding his arms so he couldn't do anything to Tobias. I asked:'' Zeke why the h*ll would you say that I'm 'yours'?!'' ''Well, cause you are.'' ''No, I'm not! What in the world would you make think that?'' ''Well during the parade, you grabbed my hand. You tried to talk to me when I was mad. That are like signs that you like me.'' ''I don't know what you're thinking, but first. You grabbed MY hand during the parade. second, I just tried to be nice. Our brothers are like really good friends. Uriah is really nice to me. Our parents are friends. I thought what if we can be friends? But you kept acting weird. You stayed in you cabin on the train. You didn't leave your room in the apartment. I just tried to be nice to you!!'' that was the moment Zeke really was being stupid. He fckng tried to kiss me. I was faster and punched him in his face. WHAT WAS WRONG WITH THAT BOY!? Tobias wanted to punch him also, I stopped him. We tied his arms together with a branch we used for braiding and lifted him outside. We gave him his backpack back and I said:'' If you return to me. Ever again. With these thoughts. I'll kill you even when we're in the arena... He cut with the knife he had in his pocket the bench trough and said: ''Bye bae. I know you'll return to me, cause you love and need me!!'' I put my middle finger in the air. We were probably filmed right now, I didn't care. Zeke had to realize that I don't love him and never will. He was really stubborn and said:'' Bye baby!!'' and he ran into the forest again. Now I knew for sure that he was weird. We returned to the cave. That b*tch. That moment I was tired. Not tired as in sleepy, but tired of Zeke. Tobias tried to calm me. It worked. I knew now for sure that I love Tobias and that we need to both leave the arena... Alive... 

I fell asleep in Tobias his arms. When I woke it was I think around 4:00 AM. Tobias seemed also really sleepy. I told him that he could go to sleep and he did.

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