Strange Magic

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Ted lapsed into silence at last. The moment Sir Bryan the Brave was swallowed up by the leaves, cheering had broken out. Ted felt a tad embarrassed after all the yelling, he and Sylvia had sounded like children. "Yippee"s and "Yahoo"s filled the air. Birds flew just under the green canopy of the forest, startled by their upraised voices. This went on for a bit longer that it should of, but at last the last laugh and yell had fallen silent.

Ted hadn't really gotten a good look at Sylvia until the woods. She was beautiful, more than he could've imagined. Her fell in an auburn sheet right to her hips and her almond shaped eyes were a strange mix of green and blue. Her tanned skin made her eyes really pop out in a way that was rather startling. Ted didn't really care. Sylvia could've been a hag and Ted probably would've saved her all the same. But he did rather prefer beautiful woman to a crone, as I'm sure we all would.

"Are we lost, Ted?" Sylvia was leaning against Ted's back. Her arms had never left his waist. Lewis had curled up on Ted's lap somewhere during the trip which had been quiet for the last hour. "Well technically we've never really been not lost." Sylvia laughed sleepily. Night had fallen but it wasn't too late yet. Well then again, it had been a very tiring day. "I'm tired Ted. Can we stop soon?" Ted pulled his collar. "I don't know Sylvia. I don't have any food and we really should get back." "Ted please? I'm so tired Ted. I don't mind the ground much, let's sit there. I'm tired Ted. I'm really tired. Can we lay down there Ted? Stop Ted. Ted?"

Ted stopped a clearing next to a stream. He had to help Sylvia off the horse she was so tired. Ted didn't understand it. It was only about nine, but Sylvia's almond eyes were dropping and she leaned heavily on Ted as if she was about to faint. Ted made her drink some water even thought she didn't want it. He washed mud off her face as she slept. His last thought before he too fell asleep was that it was a shame Sylvia's lacy creme dress was ruined.

Jessica chased after him immediately. "Henry! Henry wait." Henry spun around and grabbed Jessica's white wrist. For a moment he looked furious and then he dropped his hand. "Jessica if you don't love me you don't." His blue eyes skipped over hers hut didn't meet them. He turned to leave but Jessica yelled at his back. "I can't Henry! I would if I could but I CAN'T!"

Henry almost screamed in frustration. He wanted her to leave him alone. Jessica didn't love him back and that was what it was. Exchanging these apologetic words was pouring salt into the wound. "I don't know what your talking about Jessica!" "Please just listen Henry." Henry was livid. Jessica's face looked so sad and lonely though. Henry loved her. His heart pulled and bounced and at last he sighed. "Go ahead Jessica. But please, please don't apologize." Jessica lead Henry back to her kitchen. She sat down and looked directly into his eyes. "Okay Henry. What I am about to tell you, you must never ever repeat. I have not told this to anyone, not even Sir Bryan the Brave, understand? It's very... odd. Let's start at the top. Do you happen to know anything about witches?"

Hey guys it's your author again! I tagged under romance as well and the reason for this is that I recently changed my original plot line and this requires some romance. This wasn't really supposed to be a romantic story but it'll dramatically enhance the plot for the better I think. The next chapter will hopefully make those changes clear.

Thanks, Olivia

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