Taking Root

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He paced gingerly, furrowing his brows, his eye filled with wrath and worry
"I'm not doing it, no I'm not!"
He turned to face Theresa Finn his manager in the industry.
"I'm not fucking taking that movie, and you can't warp me into taking it"
His eyes sparked with rage, angry was an understatement to his present mood.
He held out his hands shushing her
"Not a word, I don't want to hear any of it"
She tried to speak again he gave her the eyes, utterly sealing her from any further comment on the issue.

But as always Theresa smiled, her wrinkles shrinking gaining depth against her pale and fragile skin, Her waning age protrusive.
"Tanner, you know this was going to come, one-way or the other"
She stared at him, her gentle gaze caressing is troubled vessel, boring right through his soul, her light grey eyes said more than he wanted to hear,
"Okay!, enough!" He backed off from her position on the cushion in the lavish room " I will agree, just this once but that is all, no more"
He picked of his leather jacket from the couch, fetched his motorcycle keys and headed out, he needed to clear his head.

"Don't stay out late," Theresa called behind him.
He could have replied, but this time around he had no answer, he had stifled that throbbing rage long enough, he needed to get away to ruminate on everything that has happened this past week.

He pulled up, at the beach, his, favorite rendezvous, the ocean, had a way into his heart, here, he could release all the overwhelming, trains of thought that had flooded into his faculty and obviated him from thinking straight, everything has been so overwhelming.

Making sure his dark googles where intact on his face, he strolled freely, it was late in the evening already, and the sweet blue color of the sky had annihilated leaving obsure trails of its preceding existence. The air was soft and fair on him, all he wanted to do was get lost in its comfy embrace of its gregarious arms. But he couldn't risk being sighted by the paparazzi, not with the dent on his dainty image already, he didn't want to give the paparazzi something to feast on he had been advised to stay low for the main time, and dealing with the frenzy of devoted fans, would only swell the glazing flames

His boot sinked into the light sand and he strolled, hands in pocket, to the bank.
He sighed inwardly as the boisterious wind, blew into his face, creating a raucous of his well manicured hair. He breathed into the wind, wishing his anxiety could be swept away like the breeze did to the beach sand.

Celebrity life is all a deception, smiling brilliantly at the lambent flick of the camera, was not all that there is to living, he felt vulnerable and empty.

He missed home

He pronounced the Word


It sounded so far, and distant. He couldn't remember when last he longed for that.

A silent tear slid out of his eyes

All the glitz and glamour of celebrity life, seemed so green and tantalizing at the beginning but now it was just a scary nightmare that had no escape route.
He just needed a shoulder to rest upon, a shoulder where he his tears will be tended. Only if he was back to being the five years rambunctious lad he used to be, his curls and bangs still in place, wrapped in the warm hands of his mother, sniffing the usual coffee smell on her well worn apron.

mother - he wished things didn't work out the way it did.
He could only wish.

Two weeks ago, he woke up to a tabloid, with a picture of him in bed with lady he didn't even recognize. Before Theresa could handle the situation the photos went viral on the socal media - all hell broke loose on him, the paparazzi took it upon themselves, shadowing him all about, digging deep for dirt, throwing vilifying questions at every turn. Thanks to Theresa, he had managed to have clean records, she always kept him out of trouble. Well she had tried to keep him out, not until now.
Theresa had helped him to distill some of the flames, but his name was not fully cleared. The same fans who praised and swooned over him, where the same ones scrunching their noses at him.

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